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Greetings from /leftypol/ (148 respuestas)

69 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 04/08/16(thu)20:14:04 ID:gKyAlrYL0

>/pol/ reading is a good joke, mate.
>There's a reason /lit/ and /his/ make fun of /pol/ but not /leftypol/.

I remember long time ago, this was in the 4channel, when a Spenglerian /pol/ guy went to lit and literally wiped the floor with /lit/, alone:

/pol/ is not what used to be in 2012-2013.

>I forgot Marcus Aurelius, I think they like him a lot.

Nobody, but a liberal hedonist, doesn't like the teachings of the Philosopher Emperor.

>Well, I've seen threads about Julius Evola, Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Spengler, Carl Schmitt, Hobbes, John Locke, Friedman, Ayn Rand, Mircea Eliade, Plato, Aquinas, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Hegel too of course. And in the reading threads there are many more too. But as I said, they are not intellectuals, they just choose to quote anything which seems to favour them.

Of course they are not intellectuals, they are just random people with probably without "university" education(which is not that spectacular, we are lead by graduated university people and their intelligence is of a ape.), reading authors that are barely touched by such institutionalized educational system(as you mention Spengler, Evola, Carlyle, Machiavelli and even Ted Kacksynski) because ALL other author promoted by the educational system have lead the west to a chaos and decadence, and their inner struggle makes them find this kind of site(/pol/ is not the only one, have you ever visite "Burbujainmobiliaria" forum, is the Spanish /pol/). Nobody taught people of /pol/ nothing, that's why other boards that consider themselves intellectuals(of the system) consider them stupid or a joke, but meh, when i saw that lone Spenglerian dude wiping the floor with /lit/, i never saw /pol/ as a joke anymore, there is some truth in /pol/, or was, because now, is full of cancer.
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