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The future of the internet & centralization of online communities (38 respuestas)

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 25/09/16(sun)09:24:13 ID:BVktdMCf0

The internet is becoming more and more centralized as time goes on. Websites like reddit and facebook are becoming larger and more all-encompassing as they absorb (and destroy) smaller communities. Communities that do not get sucked up or stomped out by larger competitors drastically lose their charm and identities as their user bases swell up through exposure to/invasion from outside communities (reddit, twitter, etc.). Two good examples of this are 4chan and tumblr. Both sites had valuable and original content generated in their early days, but as time went on they become over-saturated with new users who did not care about generating original content or insightful posts, and both transformed into horrible communities as a result.

What do you think about this? What do you think the future of the internet is? What do you think the internet will look like in 5 or 10 years?

17 : : 04/10/16(tue)20:20:25 ID:FxZcDGpo0

Not really ``backpedaling''ww
Are you seriously that autistic to not see my shitty joke about unarmed people having limbs?

18 : : 04/10/16(tue)20:22:39 ID:FxZcDGpo0

Nah, it's Hiroyuki bullshitting naive users (read: most of them) for more money.

19 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (* : 04/10/16(tue)20:28:44 ID:DfhnJrRS0

They seemed to have opened a VIP board.
Not VIP as in news4vip, VIP as in pay2post(ww

20 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [??] (207.244.*.*) : 04/10/16(tue)20:47:36 ID:W/PG47m0T

I'm happy that there is no stupid 4chan users(ry

21 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [BG] (78.90.*.*) : 06/10/16(thu)02:52:17 ID:57yHm9hc0

I'm curious to see when credit card information will be leaked from 4chan because of Nishimura's ineptitude

22 : Mensaje eliminado por usuario.

23 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 06/10/16(thu)09:48:00 ID:PBnVnrT10

Well, this all has been happening really really fast. I mean, since Hiroyuki joined 4chan. I'm guessing it will probably happen in a year or so (rough estimate). 4chan users are insufferable idiots who apparently can't tell the difference between a meme and a serious fact. The thing about 4chan users is that they take memes too seriously, to the point memes eat them, literally. Take the moot meme as an example, about him being an untouchable god. That disguised the fact that they guy sold their asses off to a japanese scammer that was infamous in his country for, literally, stealing data and personal credit info. And they didn't do shit about it, because they were too busy making memes about Hiroyuki's bad spelling. The worse thing is that 4chan users knew about Hiroyuki scandal, and they still didn't care. And the guys aren't stupid, they could've done something, we're talking about the community that made the fappening and the Gamergate scandal. They're not stupid, not at all. I think they'll figure it out somehow, and then they will probably leak it. Hiroyuki is obviously planing something, the whole thing has been way too suspicious.

24 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [BG] (78.90.*.*) : 06/10/16(thu)11:11:36 ID:57yHm9hc0

Whether the guy's a scammer or not, it's amusing to watch the carnage from a distance. He's done some off the wall shit ever since he took the wheel and I'm just gleefully anticipating his next move. At this point it's clear that he's out to fuck with those 4chan guys in ways nobody has fucked with them before and they're taking it hook, line and sinker.

25 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [??] (* : 06/10/16(thu)14:57:52 ID:Ad1Usy4iT

i doubt hiroyuki would make the same mistake twice of storing all data and pass info on plain text files that anyone with the url could see

also i dunno what's worse, the new /vip/ board on 4chan or all the retards from saovq and 4-ch claiming that isn't VIP when all they've done is butcher 2ch ``culture'' since ever

26 : : 07/10/16(fri)02:22:18 ID:lZDXtBEg0

>when all they've done is butcher 2ch ``culture'' since ever
You mean like this place?

27 : : 07/10/16(fri)03:31:52 ID:LKZH4jqAT

dunno about you but this place's VIP board is pretty much like 2ch's
lots of talk about anything with lots of w's and the occasional AA

28 : : 07/10/16(fri)04:56:18 ID:lZDXtBEg0

>lots of talk about anything
So like SAoVQ then.

29 : : 07/10/16(fri)12:37:18 ID:rN8SxCO0T

saovq is lots of threads where they spam links or the same sjis art
funnily enough 4chan's /vip/ (the first one) was more like news4vip than saovq

30 : : 07/10/16(fri)15:11:06 ID:VOG8/bK10


31 : : 07/10/16(fri)18:00:55 ID:YsCjigPB0

>Well, this all has been happening really really fast. I mean, since Hiroyuki joined 4chan.

I agree , It took him less than one year to sink his new shipwwww

32 : : 08/10/16(sat)17:43:55 ID:RZZxKBkET

After complaining about bandwidth issues, he decides to add a new board that anyone can see.
Hiroyuki-san is truly a genius.

33 : : 09/10/16(sun)17:11:30 ID:COqi09OE0

world4ch was the only really decent thing about 4chan, since that's been axed, there's not much of a point in going to the site these days and I've only visited the place maybe twice since moot stepped down.

34 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 28/10/16(fri)20:18:14 ID:iJaHqIrw0

35 : : 31/10/16(mon)05:10:37 ID:Sv9s5KAV0

It was obvious there weren't bandwidth issues and Hiroyuki was bullshitting the entire website so he could get donation money for his own pockets.

36 : : 31/10/16(mon)05:15:45 ID:78TZsqTn0

I remember torrenting the 4chan con videos so many years ago.

37 : : 01/11/16(tue)14:06:33 ID:JcfJoCU60

i think i'm afraid of what's comming.

i think it's bad.

i'm sorry.

38 : : 01/11/16(tue)15:30:32 ID:RkOPcRlK0

A fart?
15 KB

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