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Why Japan is the best country to be a wizard? (16 respuestas)
1 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (179.4.*.*)
: 24/11/16(thu)12:47:26
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiVC5goQydYThe first guy looks fine with his situation but I feel sorry for that Hashimoto-san, I think he's asperger and the girl looks so uncomfortable, she's looking down on him or something.
lol if you think the japanese are welcoming of people who don't procreate
Especially when they have a drastically negative birth of rate
>negative birth of rate
¿Las guaguas vuelven al útero o qué?
6 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (200.10.*.*)
: 25/11/16(fri)12:10:54
Any jap who like to explain this video?
Any jap who could explain this video?*
Any Japanese who could explain this video?**
No human society is welcoming of wizards. We are not wanted no matter where we go.
Belgium are you a wizard or apprentice?
>>10Having children is overrated, but sex is so fucking good.
>>13In that case, I might as well go to a prostitute. Is sex with a prostitute any good?
It isn't unless you can feel comfortable lying to yourself
Lying to myself about what?
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