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Comic books (9 respuestas)

1 : : 27/07/20(mon)04:03:50 ID:wZmTCHJy0

What kind of comic books do you guys like? I love X-Men!

2 : : 27/07/20(mon)04:07:11 ID:6RgAHDwo0

Sandman is my favorite. I used to read cape comics but after a while I found them boring so I jumped onto more pretentious comics like Jason's and the "mature" readings like Sandman, Hellblazer and Transmetropolitan.

3 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (186.34.*.*) : 27/07/20(mon)04:08:05 ID:doice8rM0

Alan Moore's are alright, though I haven't read his work all that much. The Killing Joke was alright.

4 : : 27/07/20(mon)04:10:13 ID:wZmTCHJy0

>>2 I heard good things about Sandman, but I've never read it.
>>3 Ehh, I can recognize the literary merit of Moore's work, but his writing doesn't captivate me.

5 : : 27/07/20(mon)04:12:58 ID:6RgAHDwo0

It's a literary master piece, make it past the first two chapters and enjoy the whole thing after that.

6 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [ES] (185.124.*.*) : 27/07/20(mon)05:19:54 ID:Gil0J7rKR

I honestly never got into American superhero comics, only comics I have read are Mortadelo y Filemón and Superlópez

7 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [ES] (185.124.*.*) : 27/07/20(mon)05:23:28 ID:Gil0J7rKR

Oh, and "rue del percebe 13", that's a classic

8 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 27/07/20(mon)05:36:31 ID:e7Vvaqd00

¿Qué tal Corto Maltés?

9 : : 28/07/20(tue)03:41:56 ID:0jzSjYKQ0

>>5 ehh, I tend to only kinda half-read comic books, not give my full cerebral intensity as I would a real book.
>>6 I would say some late Bronze Age (around the 80s) is a good place if you just want to read some stories of characters you are interested in.
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