1 :
( ´Д`)
: 06/09/10(lun)01:32:32
253 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 11/03/11(vie)26:34:46
Módulo de detección de sonidos, detecta la presión de las ondas sonoras utilizando un micrófono.
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 11/03/11(vie)27:20:52
255 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 11/03/11(vie)29:59:56
Nasrudin dreamt that he had Satan's beard in his hand. Tugging the hair he cried: "The pain you feel is nothing compared to that which you inflict on the mortals you lead astray." And he gave the beard such a tug that he woke up yelling in agony. Only then did he realise that the beard he held in his hand was his own.
Wao, estamos en una region llena de lulz
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 12/03/11(sab)27:07:35
El hacker hipster ecologista amante de las marmotas papiro
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 16/03/11(mie)21:46:54
So -- is that it? Is suicide the inevitable outcome of evolution? Well, actually: there is at least one other way out. But this route is so strange and so disturbing, that it will blow your mind. For your own sake, we ask you: if you’re mentally unstable or if you have a history of psychiatric disorders, please don’t read any further. It’s at your own risk.
>>259Me pareció interesante esto.
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 16/03/11(mie)23:30:17
it is widely theorized that the entire Saved By The Bell universe is contained within Bayside High, and that Zack Morris is, in fact, God.
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 16/03/11(mie)24:18:11
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: 17/03/11(jue)22:50:22
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 19/03/11(sab)29:08:19
Along the way you will battle monsters and other creatures of myth and legend, from vampires to werewolves, to gigantic metal golems and undead dinosaurs!
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 24/03/11(jue)20:33:59
“La verdad es que asesinar a un policía, aunque suene duro, es más grave que asesinar a un ciudadano común y corriente”.
- Rodrigo Hinzpeter hoy en el programa Bienvenidos de Canal 13 ante la pregunta de un espectador.
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 25/03/11(vie)14:46:41
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 26/03/11(sab)27:21:12
Please color this page for us so we can see your creativity. This will help us decide whether or not to hire you.” Attached is a child’s coloring page, a picture of a cat playing electric guitar.
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 26/03/11(sab)27:36:30
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 27/03/11(dom)22:51:13
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 28/03/11(lun)20:22:45
Also, Char piloted a badass pure Gold Gundam, the stuff Badass Pirate dreams are made of.
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 28/03/11(lun)20:45:39
If (promedio < 4) Then
prom.ForeColor = vbRed
prom.ForeColor = vbBlue
End If
If (promedio > 7) Then
prom.Caption = "ERROR"
prom.ForeColor = vbRed
End If
275 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 28/03/11(lun)23:18:16
No mod, aunque le duela el culo, no lo logrará
>>275Ya puedo imaginar donde estás peleando, heh.
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 29/03/11(mar)06:22:40
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 29/03/11(mar)06:26:42
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 29/03/11(mar)06:36:19
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 31/03/11(jue)17:09:56
Why does she have to be a lesbian? It's not fair. I completely respect her for who she is, but I have never met anybody who has so much in common with me me before. It's almost like we were fated to meet. She has admitted that she finds me attractive, and she thinks I'm nice, but she is repulsed by men (for a reason I would rather not share, even in anonymity).
I wish I could change her mind, because I don't want anybody else. This pain is killing me. Killing me.
Fuck you, sonicteam.
Franchise is in the shitter
Fuck you, sonicteam.
It's goin' down the river
284 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 01/04/11(vie)25:17:47
'Repent, Harlequin!' Said the Ticktockman
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 03/04/11(dom)20:06:21
Now, when I said "gives them power" them=the paper itself but more importantly also means giving the economic magi more power via your faith and participation in their system. It is our belief that sustains these people atop us. Quite possibly the most hated apostasy in this regard is the heresy of decentralization and hivemind, as it wholly refutes the core principle of "Leadership is cosmic principle, it's only natural that we should be hoisted atop you, for you need us. The great apostasy, then, is the mere question of whether leadership is actually so crucial. This, by the way, is part of why Facebook and Twitter are rammed down our throats and they go to such lengths to discredit something like Anonymous, for Anonymous represents the antithesis of hierarchy and egotism which is necessary for these people to be anything but Joe Sixpack.
286 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 03/04/11(dom)20:09:11
man I’ve been going back to read some of
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 03/04/11(dom)22:18:02
"El hombre superior piensa en el mal venidero y se prepara contra él"
El Libro de las Mutaciones.
288 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 04/04/11(lun)23:27:50
mientras tanto frot mide su marmota estirandola
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 05/04/11(mar)23:14:20
290 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 06/04/11(mie)22:46:07
Imagine lawyers who are as interested in what you do as you are. This is MoFo.
292 :
: 06/04/11(mie)23:08:58
No tendrías tantos problemas para lograr que funcione si es que el cilindro es absolutamente incompresible, ya que en ese caso la presión interna no es afectada por la presión submarina, sólo por la presión atmosférica. Con 4 kilometros de alto (¿me confirmas el tamaño?) y un diferencial infinitesimal en la velocidad de aspiración de aire vas a tener esencialmente el efecto inverso al Efecto Venturi cuando cualquier cosa como una ventisca, huracán o algo similar ocurra sobre la tapa superior -- eso suponiendo que las máquinas alimentadoras de aire sigan funcionando.
Pregúntale de vuelta a Nari, pero es seguro asumir que si el flujo a los alimentadores se interrumpe de golpe, tu rescatista va a morir a lo menos de asfixia y, a lo más, de una descuartización como la que se ve en misión a marte.
Can't i just wave a wand, make this disappear?
I want a simpler life devoid of financial fear.
My utopia is nigh, soon to be mine of my own accord.
I want a safety net from all my demons that i can't afford.
294 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 10/04/11(dom)22:18:33
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 10/04/11(dom)22:41:54
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 11/04/11(lun)19:29:35
Man, I want to be a NEET so bad. A confirmed one. I want my family to give up on me and just send me rent, money for food and high-speed internet.
Wake up, get some sunlight, prepare meals at my convenience, masturbate whenever, do drugs, listen to music, nap throughout the day. In fact, just go to sleep for as many hours as I want whenever the mood strikes me, then wake up and continue whatever I was doing.
Maybe pick up skills and hobbies sometimes, abandon them whenever I grow tired, come back to them later. Cycle them. Listen to entire discographies, play whole series of games.
I want people's expectations of me to disappear so completely that I forget what it was even like to be subject to them.
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 11/04/11(lun)21:53:11
Creo que soy el único caso del mundo de alguien que le duele la cabeza por no jugar 3DS.
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 14/04/11(jue)20:58:29
¿Usted se mece de acá para allá o de lado a lado para consolarse o calmarse cuando está demasiado estimulado/a o entusiasmado/a?
301 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 15/04/11(vie)19:12:23
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 16/04/11(sab)21:52:54
why do people do this its stupid and i dont understand
305 :
: 18/04/11(lun)21:55:10
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 19/04/11(mar)17:00:15
they really screwed up my favorite character from the first series, Char. They now have him as a good guy but with a different name. He wears sunglasses the whole time
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 19/04/11(mar)20:23:09
Incompatibilidad entre las distintas plataformas de desarrollo del producto.
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 19/04/11(mar)23:28:16
Según John y Paula Zerzan, el movimiento extrajo su nombre del joven Ned Ludd, quien prefirió destrozar el telar a martillazos antes que producir las miserables prendas que le solicitaban. Sin embargo, el investigador argentino Christian Ferrer afirma que Ned Ludd no existió, sino sólo fue un nombre, como tantos otros que se utilizaron para firmar reivindicaciones: Señor Pistola, Señorita Ludd, Pedro Felpa, General Justicia, Sin Rey, Rey Ludd, o Joe el Incendiario (todos, originalmente en inglés).
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 21/04/11(jue)22:25:36
Imagine someone with an involving job related to your forum comes across it. This person is an expert in her field, and therefore would be a great source of knowledge for your forum; but if a registration, complete with e-mail and password, is necessary before posting, she might just give up on posting and do something more important. People with lives will tend to ignore forums with a registration process.
311 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 21/04/11(jue)22:54:19
't submit to the treacheries of logicians!
enum Bool {
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 25/04/11(lun)24:13:31
313 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 25/04/11(lun)27:02:21
>Una vieja poseida por el demonio que solo comía perros de ropa
¡OH DIOS SANTO! me gustaría verla cagar en mi boca...
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 26/04/11(mar)17:19:19
Un enemigo de la sustancia, el doctor Robert Dupont, antiguo jefe del Instituto Nacional sobre el Abuso de Drogas (nida), afirma que el thc "piratea" la red de comunicación del cerebro.
316 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 27/04/11(mie)26:27:50
317 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 30/04/11(sab)27:20:01
Coloca este perrito♥
.//^ ^\\ en tu muro
(/(_•_)\) para mostrar
._/''*''\_ que estás
(/_)^(_\) contra el maltrato animal!!! ♥ :D
318 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 01/05/11(dom)06:49:12
He has also said that much of the story was told to him by aliens when he was abducted during a trip to Katmandu.
319 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 01/05/11(dom)11:00:41
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 01/05/11(dom)25:16:43
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 01/05/11(dom)26:02:58
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 01/05/11(dom)26:39:13
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 01/05/11(dom)26:40:19
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 02/05/11(lun)11:34:00
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 02/05/11(lun)22:19:29
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 03/05/11(mar)22:52:32
I paused my porn for this
327 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 05/05/11(jue)25:13:51
of course its compressed. how else could they fit all that dick in one song
y se supone que tenia que lamerme la vagina pero el weon se puso a chuparme el ollo del poto weona y habia cagao hace como diez minutos atrás, no me bañaba hace unos tres días y debió haber estado asqueroso
pero al wn le encantaba, lo lamia rabioso... puta que era cochino el wn
330 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 06/05/11(vie)15:26:43
Estimada profesora, con fecha 6 de mayo y a las 15:13 le envio el trabajo que hoy por contingencias fortuitas que no vale la pena mencionar no me fue posible entregarle, por lo menos, para que usted tenga constancia de que este esta listo en la fecha limite, y como ya le mencione, si no se lo pude entregar fisicamente fue por circustancias que escaparon a mi.
De ante mano muchas gracias.
331 :
: 06/05/11(vie)16:04:21
>>330Demasiado touhou al parecer....
332 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 07/05/11(sab)26:45:29
333 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 08/05/11(dom)15:31:18
334 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 09/05/11(lun)18:08:28
>>334>detallenoticias.asp?No pude evitar no notarlo.
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VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 09/05/11(lun)25:54:44
338 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 10/05/11(mar)19:14:42
<!--[if !IE]><!-->
alert("Please switch to Internet Explorer");
I wanna be a VIP STAR
What is the Hentai game that you always dreamed?
Super funny VIP STAR
Open out my arm just only for you
First time I realize the happiness of uploading
also feel disappointed by the low view count
Hold our hands together, we are gonna to run
I will fly into the sky with a smile,
Since there are many meaningless thread openeM,
If only I can make VIPPER smile, I will give a try
The first time I had wrote a comment on the thread
FOX★ suddenly banned me because of it
I wanna be a VIP STAR
What is the Hentai game that you always dreamed?
Not a very nice VIP STAR
But I will open out my arm together with a smile
I wanna be a VIP STAR, I'm gonna to hug you, until www and www
Super funny VIP, www www www
I will upload it once again, just only for you
The Quality that I always keeping, but you had taken it away
Said this is very important, and helped me to keep it.
Thinking of it, we can't do anything while we are working,
This right arm are specially existed for continue upload.
You're gonna be my VIP STAR, today's new thread are really funny
It's come the VIP STAR, did you think I will fallen by this kind of trick?
You're my only VIP STAR, what should I said,
since I had already fallen by this trick then I won't leave now
A Lucky VIP STAR, I will fly beyond the wind to catch the light right away
Once the thread are opened,
Everybody can become anyone's VIP STAR
Thread master choosed me to become your only HERO
I wanna be a VIP STAR, the one that you had always dreamed
A Shining VIP STAR, Open out my arm and cast a magic spell on you
I wanna be a VIP STAR, I'm gonna to hug you and won't let you go.
A Shining VIP STAR, Open out my arm and cast a magic spell on you.
>>339Es... Es esa la verdadera traducción de VIP STAR?
341 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 10/05/11(mar)20:28:43
>>339yes... YES!! YES!!!!!
(∀ )゚ ゚
>>339>Once the thread are opened,>Everybody can become anyone's VIP STARQué hermosas palabras...
©åÏ”C;زs3*ŒØ¢ÅÄŠšaך{¶ÃxZCÔˆ€>ZÄ€¦É€JƒPø9K§@5 èOg7 ÿ‚ªñ(Âí5§ {ªTHtÁT¸[Fîæ "Ĩ5âÿi£‡ ÁiXÂ$¤Ó šâÔ¬h êP™ÊÖµ&T óLÿÒ¤&"%¤’vºpšQ| š€5BA–ìpy3°ŒpUÊ€6
344 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 16/05/11(lun)20:01:50
Que bien, B.a.I. ha puesto por fin el boton NO ME GUSTA, si quieres tenerlo tu tambien pulsa en el boton que sale aqui abajo, que dice Instalar NO ME GUSTA.
345 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 16/05/11(lun)24:01:17
346 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 17/05/11(mar)18:28:16
Oh dios, es verdad! Se puede postear en la version movil de BaI!
347 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 18/05/11(mie)22:15:02
Hey mika, congrats for selling out! I noticed you fuck white/black/hispanic men all except asian men. Why is that? because asian men have small cocks? you had your tiny tits enlarged to match you SAMOAN ASS. How does that make you any different or better than asian men?
348 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 19/05/11(jue)24:20:09
( ・ω・)=つ≡つ _,,..,,,,_
(っ ≡つ=つ ./ ,' 3 `ヽーっ
/ ) ババババ l ⊃ ⌒_つaramaki seal of approval
( / ̄∪ `'ー---‐'''''"
349 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 19/05/11(jue)25:45:32
350 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 21/05/11(sab)16:34:00
Madelyn Monroe
351 :
VIPPER@Le pagó de sobra a Daddycool
: 21/05/11(sab)23:31:22
352 : Mensaje eliminado por usuario.