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HILO DE CTRL+V (1001 respuestas)

1 : ( ´Д`) : 06/09/10(lun)01:32:32


952 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 16/10/12(mar)19:00:35

953 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 16/10/12(mar)20:19:17

Several of the children who Cameron experimented on were sexually abused, in at least one case by several men. One of the children was filmed numerous times performing sexual acts with high-ranking federal government officials, in a scheme set up by Cameron and other MKULTRA researchers, to blackmail the officials to ensure further funding for the experiments.

In the aftermath of the Congressional hearings, major news media mainly focused on sensationalistic stories related to LSD, "mind-control", and "brainwashing", and rarely used the word "torture". This put off the image that CIA researchers were, as one author put it "a bunch of bumbling sci-fi buffoons", rather than a rational group of men who had run torture laboratories and medical experiments in major U.S. universities, and who had tortured, raped, and psychologically abused young children, driving many of them permanently insane.

954 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 18/10/12(jue)10:43:37


955 : : 18/10/12(jue)22:40:50

Why wouldnt you want to go indie? I would rather work my ass off making my dream game instead of spending years doing shitty code monkey bullshit with no say in what happens with the only thing stoping me from killing myself is the hope I can one day be a designer. Even though the designer barely gets any say at all when you gotta deal with publishers and your job and the job of many others rely on your shitty idea

956 : : 20/10/12(sab)15:59:28

quiero un juego donde pueda manosear, vestir y contorsionar mujeres, así como ver si se sonrojann, excitan o les duele.

957 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 20/10/12(sab)16:21:09

958 : : 22/10/12(lun)15:03:29

Drug-Induced Chocobo Dance Party

959 : : 22/10/12(lun)16:47:36

>send someone to the past to save the future>they do exactly what caused the future to be the way it is>which causes someone to be sent to the past to save the future>they do exactly what caused the future to be the way it is>which causes someone to be sent to the past to save the future>they do exactly what caused the future to be the way it is>which causes someone to be sent to the past to save the future>they do exactly what caused the future to be the way it is>which causes someone to be sent to the past to save the future>they do exactly what caused the future to be the way it is>which causes someone to be sent to the past to save the future

960 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 22/10/12(lun)24:11:01

961 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 23/10/12(mar)17:25:53

Sarina Valentina.

962 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 23/10/12(mar)19:27:20

963 : : 25/10/12(jue)10:20:42

# pacman -S lolicon
resolviendo dependencias...
verificando conflictos...

:: lolicon y oppai están en conflicto ¿Quitar oppai? [s/N] s

Objetivos (3): dfc-8.0 tsundere-1.0 yandere-1.0

964 : : 25/10/12(jue)21:27:09


965 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 27/10/12(sab)18:57:58

966 : : 28/10/12(dom)21:36:16

but that's not /moe/

967 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 29/10/12(lun)16:11:27 /SHITHIT/

968 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 30/10/12(mar)07:55:16

969 : : 30/10/12(mar)15:15:52

Video games are the best art a programmer can make.

970 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 30/10/12(mar)19:41:51

Halloween Y

971 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 30/10/12(mar)24:21:04

Aquí no vemos tumblr invecil

972 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 30/10/12(mar)25:57:48

No seas mean en BaI.

973 : : 30/10/12(mar)28:50:05

974 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 31/10/12(mie)12:29:21


975 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 31/10/12(mie)21:11:18
>El pasado 25 de octubre, un hombre de unos 50 años de edad fue detenido en Valencia, después de que según informaron testigos, arremetiese contra una sucursal bancaria armado con una mazo de los que se usan en la construcción, destrozando el cajero automático en el exterior, la puerta de cristal de entrada al banco y continuando una vez dentro rompiendo a mazazos limpio más cristales y mobiliario, mientras gritaba desesperado que el banco le había arrebatado todo lo que tenía y que no tenía nada que perder.

>Cuando una patrulla de la policía se presentó, el hombre ofreció resistencia y atacó a los dos policias, hiriéndoles antes de ser finalmente detenido.

capitalismo ho

976 : : 31/10/12(mie)21:43:41

Escuché en un documental que en otros países (EEUU es uno de ellos) había gente que se endeudaba con el bando, únicamente para poder comer, porque su sueldo no les alcanzaba para vivir.

977 : : 31/10/12(mie)26:36:59

En Chile habría llegado Amaro a encararle que eso no es un artículo de primera "NESCZESCZIDAD" con ese acento falso culiao que tiene.

Puta que odio a ese conchesumadre.

978 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 01/11/12(jue)11:44:51

979 : : 01/11/12(jue)15:12:59


980 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 01/11/12(jue)15:25:08

Mátenme por favor

982 : : 01/11/12(jue)17:59:58


983 : : 01/11/12(jue)18:01:35

What if I just killed everybody.

984 : : 01/11/12(jue)20:40:41

I will hunt you down with a machete

985 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 01/11/12(jue)25:54:12

And watch out the screen refresh rate of the PC/laptop/tablet/smart phone you're using... anything below 75 hz can mess up you neurons badly on the long run. Turns out the 60 hz screens are becoming very wide-spread on the market, so be careful. If you're unlucky, limit your exposure to 2-3 hours, not every day, and especially during day time (for some strange reason those radiations seem to have a bigger effect during evening time when it gets dark).

986 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 02/11/12(vie)14:15:06


987 : : 02/11/12(vie)21:54:47

United States president Barack Obama

988 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 02/11/12(vie)26:11:02

989 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 05/11/12(lun)15:04:12

2012-11-05 15:59
what has been your most adventurous sexual experience?

ive asked to have someone choke me out. they then stuck their fingers in my mouth and it was gentle at first but then they shoved them down my throat seeing that i liked it. then i told him to slap me and he wailed me across the face till i saw stars. then he took a lighter and held me down and put a smiley on my chest. when he finally fucked me i cried. i didnt want to give it to him because i was still inlove with someone else and i just liked the abuse. i now regret the scar its left on me but burning is something ive been turned on to. theres now 3 more burns on my back that i hope heal one day.

990 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 05/11/12(lun)25:29:40

No Digas:
"Soy Pobre... Soy Pobre y no tengo Nada!!" ...

Quien tiene a JESUS lo tiene TODO...
Quien no tiene JESUS no tiene NADA...

991 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 09/11/12(vie)08:34:11


992 : : 10/11/12(sab)29:00:09

Jimmy Page was a devout follower of Aleistar Crowley. He even purchsed his famous home on Loch Ness, called the Boleskine House.

Jimmy Page refered to his best friend John Bonham as "The Beast." He was the first of many connected to Page to die.

Ironically he died in the Boleskine House. And when Page discovered the body of his friend he stood over it and began chanting hoping to bring him back to life.

Page later denied this story, and even sued someone, but witnesses on the scene insist on what they saw.

993 : : 15/11/12(jue)17:24:55

De seguro este miope zurdo pensaba que destruyendo la obra del gran JAIME GUZMÁN podria destruir los valores de la derecha, por que aca estmaos los hijos del MERCADO, del DESARROLLO y del LUCRO para defender el UTILITARISMO, la RAZON y los valores de la LIBERTAD!

Gloria al Capitalismo, abajo sus enemigos!
Viva Cuba Libre! Abajo el Comunismo, el progresismo y sus derivados!


994 : : 16/11/12(vie)21:32:11

995 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 17/11/12(sab)08:38:45

RT @KawaiiMoments: feliz #lunesotaku :D

996 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 17/11/12(sab)08:39:31


997 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 17/11/12(sab)17:00:41


998 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 18/11/12(dom)12:12:45

Vivir sin leer es peligroso, obliga a conformarse con la vida, y uno puede sentir la tentación de correr riesgos.

999 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 18/11/12(dom)12:18:46

The film versions of Michel Houellebecq's novels are a sorry lot. The German filming of Elementary Particles comes out as a cheap TV movie, name actors notwithstanding. This film, helmed by the novelist himself, proves that the author may not be the smartest interpreter of his own work. If Mr. H. weren't a star, there's no way any producer would allow the release of his film in this shape. If you haven't read the book, I can't imagine what can you make of this abortion of a film.

1000 : : 18/11/12(dom)12:19:12


1001 : Sistema : 1000 mensajes

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