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HILO DE CTRL+V (1001 respuestas)
1 :
( ´Д`)
: 06/09/10(lun)01:32:32
445 :
VIPPER@( ´・ω・)
: 10/06/11(vie)21:04:05
Sé que la mayor parte de los copipaist aquí presentdos no tienen por fin empezar una discusión, pero sólo quiero saber qué piensan de el siguiente texto:
Most Mac users are liberal, that doesn't mean all liberals are mac users. People obsess with this stupid image they got from fucking Maddox and/or Family Guy about "a hipster with facial hair on a macbook in a starbucks showing off that he's writing a story" when in reality I've never seen shit like that anywhere and I'm in and out of coffeeshops all the fucking time coming and going from work (night shift at a warehouse, rough). I am typing this response on a windows computer but I will defend macs; if you're into programming or hacking, open source software or do enough internet that you want something better than firefox or google chrome you'd better get a mac. Mac coding development is miles ahead of windows, even my shitty poor high school used macs for basic C++ class. If you're in a creative arts college/career, there's no choice either, that's been the standard for 30 years because they're better for that kind of thing. The first Nine Inch Nails album was made with a macbook and a drum kit and nothing else in an era when windows couldn't rip a CD. Just like the alpha male and blonde slut stereotypes that people are constantly forcing each other to realize don't actually exist in real life on QQ, you need to chill out because other than online and on IFC you've never seen some skinny liberal teenager who has a mac because he thinks he's saving the planet. For those of us who like you and me don't use a computer for mmuch more than microsoft word, social media and porn, there's no reason to get a mac. But ther are plenty of legitimate reasons and if you think they're bad machines that's because you've never used one, or maybe you did and thought it was stupid because you couldn't find anything because it wasn't the exact same as your XP desktop.
446 :
VIPPER@( ´・ω・)
: 10/06/11(vie)21:11:21
>>445Pienso que no sé ingles.
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