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HILO DE CTRL+V (1001 respuestas)

1 : ( ´Д`) : 06/09/10(lun)01:32:32


801 : : 11/04/12(mie)19:26:03

getting my chicken baked

802 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 15/04/12(dom)21:20:16

Usually I’m disgusted by the sound of people shitting but this was different, it was like a glorious trumpet heralding a new age of sweetness.

803 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 22/04/12(dom)14:54:34

The C programming language's only failing is giving you access to what is really there, and telling you the cold hard raw truth. C gives you the red pill. C pulls the curtain back to show you the wizard. C is truth.

804 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 22/04/12(dom)15:01:07

I've been programming for a very long time. So long that it's incredibly boring to me. At the time that I wrote this book, I knew about 20 programming languages and could learn new ones in about a day to a week depending on how weird they were. Eventually though this just became boring and couldn't hold my interest anymore. This doesn't mean I think programming is boring, or that you will think it's boring, only that I find it uninteresting at this point in my journey.

What I discovered after this journey of learning is that it's not the languages that matter but what you do with them. Actually, I always knew that, but I'd get distracted by the languages and forget it periodically. Now I never forget it, and neither should you.

Which programming language you learn and use doesn't matter. Do not get sucked into the religion surrounding programming languages as that will only blind you to their true purpose of being your tool for doing interesting things.

Programming as an intellectual activity is the only art form that allows you to create interactive art. You can create projects that other people can play with, and you can talk to them indirectly. No other art form is quite this interactive. Movies flow to the audience in one direction. Paintings do not move. Code goes both ways.

Programming as a profession is only moderately interesting. It can be a good job, but you could make about the same money and be happier running a fast food joint. You're much better off using code as your secret weapon in another profession.

People who can code in the world of technology companies are a dime a dozen and get no respect. People who can code in biology, medicine, government, sociology, physics, history, and mathematics are respected and can do amazing things to advance those disciplines.

Of course, all of this advice is pointless. If you liked learning to write software with this book, you should try to use it to improve your life any way you can. Go out and explore this weird wonderful new intellectual pursuit that barely anyone in the last 50 years has been able to explore. Might as well enjoy it while you can.

Finally, I'll say that learning to create software changes you and makes you different. Not better or worse, just different. You may find that people treat you harshly because you can create software, maybe using words like "nerd". Maybe you'll find that because you can dissect their logic that they hate arguing with you. You may even find that simply knowing how a computer works makes you annoying and weird to them.

To this I have just one piece of advice: they can go to hell. The world needs more weird people who know how things work and who love to figure it all out. When they treat you like this, just remember that this is your journey, not theirs. Being different is not a crime, and people who tell you it is are just jealous that you've picked up a skill they never in their wildest dreams could acquire.

You can code. They cannot. That is pretty damn cool.

805 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 22/04/12(dom)18:57:08

806 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 23/04/12(lun)20:17:36

how do i pointer

807 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 30/04/12(lun)24:49:54

See why Aspie Affection is the best way to make friends and find a date who's like you. Create a profile and add your photo to begin the exciting journey towards finding your Aspie soulmate.

808 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 30/04/12(lun)28:38:21


809 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 01/05/12(mar)22:44:29

lol, fuckin aspies!

810 : : 03/05/12(jue)21:31:25

#cafe-eclipse [+ntz] Depression, bipolar, borderline, anxiety, Asperger's, autism, ADD, PTSD. Visit our forum at h t t p ://

811 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 04/05/12(vie)23:53:06

The most common reason for dogs to eat poop from other animals, is simply because they enjoy the taste.

812 : : 06/05/12(dom)07:21:01


813 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 06/05/12(dom)25:02:43


814 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 08/05/12(mar)19:10:42


815 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 08/05/12(mar)24:26:19


816 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 10/05/12(jue)07:26:49

My girlfriend said that Game of Thrones is the worst show and book in history. And that has a bad theme. It is the same.

Ha ha ha. I was joking. She's dead.

817 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 10/05/12(jue)22:31:55

818 : : 11/05/12(vie)07:05:37


819 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 12/05/12(sab)18:04:08

Timestamp: 2012-05-12 12:45:17
Duration: 3 days
Message: You have have matched a drone/bot pattern - Please visit***.***.***.*** for more information. Review before appeal.

820 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 12/05/12(sab)21:41:17

    • Las ardillas. Me persiguen. Quieren mis tuercas pero no pueden tenerlas.

    • -

    • no habla? the squirrels. they chase me. they want my nuts but they

    • can not have them.

    • -

    • El gato en mi pantalones, quiere mi burrito. Pero el no puede

    • tenerlo. No compartire con el.

821 : Mensaje eliminado por usuario.

822 : Mensaje eliminado por usuario.

823 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 12/05/12(sab)21:45:20

Cuando salgo de la peluqueria despues de tener mi espalda afeitado, me doy cuenta de que seria mucho mas barato tener un rebano de cabras.

824 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 13/05/12(dom)24:48:24

825 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/05/12(lun)11:15:14

Siempre dicen que es una solución a un problema "transitorio" o "temporal", pero ya llevo 5 años con el mismo problema y todavía quedan 22 años del mismo problema. No lo veo temporal para nada.

826 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/05/12(lun)18:59:24

Prefiero matarme que leer esa wea completa, son 8 paginas wn!!

827 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/05/12(lun)24:37:43

取り急ぎ、遅くなりましたが皆様 に御礼申し上げます。

828 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/05/12(lun)24:55:42

829 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 15/05/12(mar)20:31:19

>>828>“Japan will be more likely to prioritize healthcare than international security,” Brad Glosserman and Tomoko Tsunada wrote in Foreign Policy Magazine.
Pero eso es bueno.
En mi humilde opinión, el gobierno japonés debería preocuparse de fomentar el creampie.

830 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 16/05/12(mie)10:27:47

831 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 17/05/12(jue)22:02:24

pero si de hecho la gran mayoría de las porno japonesas en que lo que penetra son penes, son con creampie

832 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 19/05/12(sab)19:59:00

833 : : 20/05/12(dom)06:22:37

Makoto Kobayashi (小林誠 Kobayashi Makoto?, Nagoya, 7 de abril de 1944) es un físico japonés conocido por su trabajo en el campo de la violación CP.

834 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 20/05/12(dom)21:14:20

Lamentablemente los señores del Registro Civil no pueden persuadir a esta gente, yo traté de hacerlo hace un mes atrás con un lolo que le puso a su hija Engels...por más que le di razones para que no lo hiciera...

835 : : 20/05/12(dom)21:20:33


836 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 20/05/12(dom)21:36:11


837 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 20/05/12(dom)21:54:19

838 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 20/05/12(dom)22:10:54

Eso de darle extensión '.txt' es tan win 98 xD!

839 : : 21/05/12(lun)11:04:53

Why don't you pay attention to your own country and its own politics and quit riding our jock you fagot.

You are pathetic. You constantly talk about England like you live there. you are a dirty fucking foreigner, a nobody, a zero and you are constantly owned by your inferiority complex.

You talk about me and my country ALL day long. You are 100% obsessed with me and my country. You talk about our politics and culture as if you lived in the UK, because it controls and dominates all your waking thoughts.

you are completely owned by me and what I do or who I vote for or what I think. I could not name a single fucking politician in your country, because they are meaningless. You can name hundreds of mine. You can not only name them, you are deeply effected by our political movements and laws of states 3000 miles from your hovel. You comment and pontificate about things that will never effect you, and are truly meaningless to you because you are a dirty 3ed world loser

My life and my countries politics are the entirety of your thoughts. Get off my fucking jock, I am sick of your saliva on my nuts queer. Get a life.

How about this; you only talk about scottish things for awhile, mmkay?. Try it, for just 24 hours try to not talk about me, my country, my culture, my politics, my laws etc.. lets see how long you can do that for, mmmkay?

Start now.

840 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 21/05/12(lun)14:35:29

"Veo mucho potencial, pero está desperdiciado. Toda una generación trabajando en gasolineras, sirviendo mesas, o siendo esclavos oficinistas.La publicidad nos hace desear coches y ropas, tenemos empleos que odiamos para comprar mierda que no necesitamos. Somos los hijos malditos de la historia, desarraigados y sin objetivos, no hemos sufrido una gran guerra, ni una depresión. Nuestra guerra es la guerra espiritual, nuestra gran depresión es nuestra vida. Crecimos con la televisión que nos hizo creer que algún día seríamos millonarios, dioses del cine, o estrellas del rock. Pero no lo seremos, y poco a poco lo entendemos, lo que hace que estemos muy cabreados".
Tyler Durden

841 : : 21/05/12(lun)18:44:07

842 : : 21/05/12(lun)18:51:03

>el salfate ens una persona que dice cosas interezantes que nos hace investiogar y salir de ignorancias tal vez en esta busqueda vemos tambien que el se eqiovoca, o son mentiras o mas bien leyendas antiguas que estan saliendo a flote y nos enteramos que existieron civilizaciones y hay un universo que explorar, pero lo mas interezante es que al final comienzas a creer mas en dios.... ahora si la gente cree en personas que predicen el futuro, son ellos los que estan equivocados..... dejenlo asi el se gana la vida y tiene un buen trabajo, ademas que lo hace muy bien, me he divertido y creoo que el es un muy buen panelista en asi somos, los veo cada ves que tengo la oportunidad..... saludos...A POR ULTIMO EL ES CHILENO Y PUEDE IR DONDE QUIERA.....
Me meo.

843 : : 21/05/12(lun)23:47:23

Gracias a tí, me dieron ganas de verla.

844 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 21/05/12(lun)24:35:50

Si, pero recuerda, Tyler si tiene un objetivo, mientras nosotros vamos a seguir trabajando y siendo robots...

845 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 22/05/12(mar)13:59:34

Mañalich viaja a Freirina, el primer judío en 6 mil años en defender a los chanchos , vuelve a Stgo, viaja a Freirina Rodrigo Álvarez..

846 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 23/05/12(mie)25:32:44

Soggy biscuit or limp biscuit is a male masturbation game reportedly played in schools where the participants stand around a biscuit masturbating until ejaculating onto it; the last person to do so must eat the biscuit.[1] It is thought to have originated in Australia sometime in the 1960s.[1] The game is also known in Australia as soggy Sao after the SAO brand of biscuits popular there.[2]

847 : : 24/05/12(jue)06:41:29

848 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 24/05/12(jue)12:45:59

Ver últimos posts

850 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 25/05/12(vie)10:18:56

851 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 25/05/12(vie)14:43:41

852 : : 27/05/12(dom)13:17:33


853 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 27/05/12(dom)23:04:37

854 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 27/05/12(dom)24:26:43

Stop being a fanboy and admit that book Stannis sucks and you're all only in love with him because he's the president of your super secret autism awareness club.

856 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 30/05/12(mie)21:54:22

1% of the population controls 100% of the anime figurines. ‪#occupyakiba

857 : : 30/05/12(mie)23:17:39

858 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 30/05/12(mie)26:44:11

guaranteed that as soon as she is 18 the shows directors will ask her to get her tits out.....

859 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 31/05/12(jue)19:42:33


860 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 31/05/12(jue)28:01:52

I don't speak Japanese.
I speak anime motherfucker. Kawaii sugoii desu ne.

861 : : 01/06/12(vie)14:34:28

kewea, deso noe

862 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 01/06/12(vie)28:15:08

863 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 02/06/12(sab)10:33:37

y que sigamos brindando calidad a Internet.

864 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 02/06/12(sab)12:18:43

865 : : 02/06/12(sab)14:19:31

pero que a la final chavez es el unico presidente de venezuela q apoya la cultura yo digo q no es jalar a la final hay q apoyar xq chavez es uno de los q apoya el graff y el hip hop

866 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 03/06/12(dom)22:43:45

Connie Francis - I will wait for you

867 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 04/06/12(lun)08:11:55

A man has tried speaking like him in public. A man has... been unjustly ridiculed

868 : : 04/06/12(lun)09:24:26

That's why we call him George Rape Rape Martin.

869 : : 04/06/12(lun)19:22:32

[ B*D] grándisimo hijo de la gran soberana canina que te fecundó

870 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 06/06/12(mie)18:13:27

saw them recently (went for a different band) & they were arrogant, self-boner having, as i said, they're all cool with bam margera & HIM now, how gay can you get

871 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 06/06/12(mie)28:31:38


873 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 11/06/12(lun)18:23:05

debo admitir que me reí.

874 : : 12/06/12(mar)16:13:31

Lo triste es que puede quedar embarazada.

875 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/06/12(jue)13:00:38

pero los espermios mueren con el aire, y si se embaraza, igual es chistoso...

876 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/06/12(jue)14:55:19

www, tendría que ser MUY MALA CUEA.

877 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 15/06/12(vie)27:01:32


878 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 16/06/12(sab)17:14:07

que te importa pollo conchetumare?!

879 : : 17/06/12(dom)10:18:53


880 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 17/06/12(dom)12:39:17

Penetration of the oral mucosa by parasite-like sperm bags of squid: a case report in a Korean woman.

We report a case of oral stings by spermatophores of the squid Todarodes pacificus . A 63-yr-old Korean woman experienced severe pain in her oral cavity immediately after eating a portion of parboiled squid along with its internal organs. She did not swallow the portion, but spat it out immediately. She complained of a pricking and foreign-body sensation in the oral cavity. Twelve small, white spindle-shaped, bug-like organisms stuck in the mucous membrane of the tongue, cheek, and gingiva were completely removed, along with the affected mucosa. On the basis of their morphology and the presence of the sperm bag, the foreign bodies were identified as squid spermatophores.

881 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 17/06/12(dom)25:51:35


882 : : 18/06/12(lun)17:31:52


883 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 18/06/12(lun)18:11:05

esto es tener mala cuea

884 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 19/06/12(mar)27:15:39

bukake animal.

885 : : 21/06/12(jue)06:47:36

when i grow up i want to be a hobbit.
house greyjoy ruined my life

886 : : 22/06/12(vie)24:03:36

El psicoterapeuta Alfredo Hernández explicó recientemente a Efe que esta droga es "como un tipo de cocaína superpoderosa producida en laboratorios" que altera los mecanismos en el cerebro que ayudan al ser humano a frenar los impulsos.

887 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 26/06/12(mar)10:58:28
Glorification of Dwarves
Actor and dwarf Peter Dinklage has garnered critical acclaim from left-coast elites for his portrayal of the perverted and toilet-mouthed "Tireon Lanister." He was even awarded an Emmy for Best Supporting Actor for his role in mainstreaming the Radical Dwarf Agenda.

As any Bible Believer knows, dwarves are an abomination unto the LORD. They are not allowed in our congregation, per Leviticus 21, and other churches would do well to adopt similar policies.

Leviticus 21:18-21
For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous,
Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded,
Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken;
No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God.

Further, Dinklage is a vegetarian and a pervert. Is this the kind of person you want your children watching on TV? Here he is promoting bestiality.

888 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 26/06/12(mar)17:18:03

quiero un pene recubierto de cacao

889 : : 26/06/12(mar)23:50:41


890 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 26/06/12(mar)24:34:34

La identidad de los proveedores de los venenos compuestos de porquerías destructoras del cerebro que cada día se inyectan, ingieren y fuman varios millones de hombres y mujeres, está saliendo a la luz poco a poco. Pero al final los conoceremos con certeza, por Dios que sí.
Una voz del público: A por ellos!
Otra voz, igualmente entusiasta: A cazar comunistas!
Un aplauso y luego otro muy fuerte.
(...) se detuvo. Los miró: era gente convencional, vestidos con gruesos trajes, gruesas corbatas y gruesos zapatos y, pensó, la Sustancia D no pude destruir sus cerebros: no tienen.

891 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 03/07/12(mar)12:42:57

Wow.. finally a Venom song that isn't recorded with a shoe

893 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 08/07/12(dom)23:18:27

894 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 08/07/12(dom)25:09:40


895 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 10/07/12(mar)26:55:53

Its like memes arrive here 6 years later. I hate my contry

897 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/07/12(sab)11:21:42

Quiero morir

898 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/07/12(sab)13:45:11

Déjalo piola, si igual es casi chistoso...

899 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/07/12(sab)20:51:12

823 :名無しさん:2012/07/12(木) 07:40:44 ID:A5CFbA8g0
Saimoe is not a poll.
Participants introduce characters as "支援 (support)" and read it each other: this is the main purpose of Saimoe.
So we DO think it undesirable that many people who cannot understand "support" written in Japanese take part in Saimoe,
and if you understand the purpose, you will enjoy Saimoe even when you cannot vote.

900 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 15/07/12(dom)11:58:16

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