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1 : ( ´Д`) : 06/09/10(lun)01:32:32


853 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 27/05/12(dom)23:04:37

854 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 27/05/12(dom)24:26:43

Stop being a fanboy and admit that book Stannis sucks and you're all only in love with him because he's the president of your super secret autism awareness club.

856 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 30/05/12(mie)21:54:22

1% of the population controls 100% of the anime figurines. ‪#occupyakiba

857 : : 30/05/12(mie)23:17:39

858 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 30/05/12(mie)26:44:11

guaranteed that as soon as she is 18 the shows directors will ask her to get her tits out.....

859 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 31/05/12(jue)19:42:33


860 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 31/05/12(jue)28:01:52

I don't speak Japanese.
I speak anime motherfucker. Kawaii sugoii desu ne.

861 : : 01/06/12(vie)14:34:28

kewea, deso noe

862 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 01/06/12(vie)28:15:08

863 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 02/06/12(sab)10:33:37

y que sigamos brindando calidad a Internet.

864 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 02/06/12(sab)12:18:43

865 : : 02/06/12(sab)14:19:31

pero que a la final chavez es el unico presidente de venezuela q apoya la cultura yo digo q no es jalar a la final hay q apoyar xq chavez es uno de los q apoya el graff y el hip hop

866 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 03/06/12(dom)22:43:45

Connie Francis - I will wait for you

867 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 04/06/12(lun)08:11:55

A man has tried speaking like him in public. A man has... been unjustly ridiculed

868 : : 04/06/12(lun)09:24:26

That's why we call him George Rape Rape Martin.

869 : : 04/06/12(lun)19:22:32

[ B*D] grándisimo hijo de la gran soberana canina que te fecundó

870 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 06/06/12(mie)18:13:27

saw them recently (went for a different band) & they were arrogant, self-boner having, as i said, they're all cool with bam margera & HIM now, how gay can you get

871 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 06/06/12(mie)28:31:38


873 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 11/06/12(lun)18:23:05

debo admitir que me reí.

874 : : 12/06/12(mar)16:13:31

Lo triste es que puede quedar embarazada.

875 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/06/12(jue)13:00:38

pero los espermios mueren con el aire, y si se embaraza, igual es chistoso...

876 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/06/12(jue)14:55:19

www, tendría que ser MUY MALA CUEA.

877 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 15/06/12(vie)27:01:32


878 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 16/06/12(sab)17:14:07

que te importa pollo conchetumare?!

879 : : 17/06/12(dom)10:18:53


880 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 17/06/12(dom)12:39:17

Penetration of the oral mucosa by parasite-like sperm bags of squid: a case report in a Korean woman.

We report a case of oral stings by spermatophores of the squid Todarodes pacificus . A 63-yr-old Korean woman experienced severe pain in her oral cavity immediately after eating a portion of parboiled squid along with its internal organs. She did not swallow the portion, but spat it out immediately. She complained of a pricking and foreign-body sensation in the oral cavity. Twelve small, white spindle-shaped, bug-like organisms stuck in the mucous membrane of the tongue, cheek, and gingiva were completely removed, along with the affected mucosa. On the basis of their morphology and the presence of the sperm bag, the foreign bodies were identified as squid spermatophores.

881 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 17/06/12(dom)25:51:35


882 : : 18/06/12(lun)17:31:52


883 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 18/06/12(lun)18:11:05

esto es tener mala cuea

884 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 19/06/12(mar)27:15:39

bukake animal.

885 : : 21/06/12(jue)06:47:36

when i grow up i want to be a hobbit.
house greyjoy ruined my life

886 : : 22/06/12(vie)24:03:36

El psicoterapeuta Alfredo Hernández explicó recientemente a Efe que esta droga es "como un tipo de cocaína superpoderosa producida en laboratorios" que altera los mecanismos en el cerebro que ayudan al ser humano a frenar los impulsos.

887 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 26/06/12(mar)10:58:28
Glorification of Dwarves
Actor and dwarf Peter Dinklage has garnered critical acclaim from left-coast elites for his portrayal of the perverted and toilet-mouthed "Tireon Lanister." He was even awarded an Emmy for Best Supporting Actor for his role in mainstreaming the Radical Dwarf Agenda.

As any Bible Believer knows, dwarves are an abomination unto the LORD. They are not allowed in our congregation, per Leviticus 21, and other churches would do well to adopt similar policies.

Leviticus 21:18-21
For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous,
Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded,
Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken;
No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God.

Further, Dinklage is a vegetarian and a pervert. Is this the kind of person you want your children watching on TV? Here he is promoting bestiality.

888 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 26/06/12(mar)17:18:03

quiero un pene recubierto de cacao

889 : : 26/06/12(mar)23:50:41


890 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 26/06/12(mar)24:34:34

La identidad de los proveedores de los venenos compuestos de porquerías destructoras del cerebro que cada día se inyectan, ingieren y fuman varios millones de hombres y mujeres, está saliendo a la luz poco a poco. Pero al final los conoceremos con certeza, por Dios que sí.
Una voz del público: A por ellos!
Otra voz, igualmente entusiasta: A cazar comunistas!
Un aplauso y luego otro muy fuerte.
(...) se detuvo. Los miró: era gente convencional, vestidos con gruesos trajes, gruesas corbatas y gruesos zapatos y, pensó, la Sustancia D no pude destruir sus cerebros: no tienen.

891 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 03/07/12(mar)12:42:57

Wow.. finally a Venom song that isn't recorded with a shoe

893 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 08/07/12(dom)23:18:27

894 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 08/07/12(dom)25:09:40


895 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 10/07/12(mar)26:55:53

Its like memes arrive here 6 years later. I hate my contry

897 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/07/12(sab)11:21:42

Quiero morir

898 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/07/12(sab)13:45:11

Déjalo piola, si igual es casi chistoso...

899 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/07/12(sab)20:51:12

823 :名無しさん:2012/07/12(木) 07:40:44 ID:A5CFbA8g0
Saimoe is not a poll.
Participants introduce characters as "支援 (support)" and read it each other: this is the main purpose of Saimoe.
So we DO think it undesirable that many people who cannot understand "support" written in Japanese take part in Saimoe,
and if you understand the purpose, you will enjoy Saimoe even when you cannot vote.

900 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 15/07/12(dom)11:58:16

901 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 26/07/12(jue)28:16:26

>6th grade at a school full of white trash
>Some piece of shit fatherless future tweaker decides to bully me because I'm friends with an autistic kid
>Fucks with me for a month and my teacher notices
>Pulls me aside after class one day and tells me I need to kick this kids ass because he thinks hes a little shithead too
>Teaches me how to punch him
>Teacher tells administration that I'm gonna fight this kid
>Vice principal calls me in the next day and tells me to fuck this kid up because she thinks hes an asshole too
>At bus stop
>Dumbfuck welfare sucking cunthole decides its funny to steal my backpack and run around with it

>"what ya gonna do faggot?"
>Punch him straight in the nose and he starts crying
>Everyone sees
>Uppercut his ass and he starts bawling his eyes out curled up on the ground
>Aide run up and starts yelling at me then writes me a full-sheet referral which usually lands a kid a week out of school suspension
>I'm only given a half-lunch detention and the vice principal makes sure it isn't on my record
>Rat bastard gets bullied by everyone for the rest of the year for crying in front of everyone and eventually changes schools
>I hope that son of a bitch killed himself

902 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 30/07/12(lun)15:00:42

903 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 30/07/12(lun)23:49:35

904 : : 03/08/12(vie)20:30:39

(a) pertenecientes al emperador,
(b) embalsamados,
(c) amaestrados,
(d) lechones,
(e) sirenas,
(f) fabulosos,
(g) perros sueltos,
(h) incluidos en esta clasificación,
(i) que se agitan como locos,
(j) innumerables
(k) dibujados con un pincel finísimo de pelo de camello,
(l) etcétera,
(m) que acaban de romper un jarrón,
(n) que de lejos parecen moscas.

905 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 06/08/12(lun)23:26:31

Alvin was so intact that lunches left on board were soggy but edible. This incident led to a more comprehensive understanding that near-freezing temperatures and the lack of decaying bacteria or fungi at increased depths prevented biological decay. Researchers found a cheese sandwich which exhibited no visible signs of decomposition, and was in fact eaten.

906 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 06/08/12(lun)24:20:58

907 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 10/08/12(vie)27:11:14

'Thought! Thought!!' deplored the owl, swivelling his head through ninety degrees. 'A futile habit, universally condemned by the Sages.'
'What are the Sages, then, who cannot be bothered to think, and how do they sage?'


908 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 11/08/12(sab)16:15:07


909 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 11/08/12(sab)17:47:22


910 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/08/12(mar)19:10:35

Because of their levels of radioactivity, her papers from the 1890s are considered too dangerous to handle.[49] Even her cookbook is highly radioactive.[49] Her papers are kept in lead-lined boxes, and those who wish to consult them must wear protective clothing

911 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/08/12(mar)27:21:33

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912 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 20/08/12(lun)21:49:10

We were there as fans of MLP:FiM who are not actively involved in the online fandom, and representing the con that we help run. Everfree NW had set up a table at our show, so we were setting up at theirs. We had a great time, tabling and DID meet a lot of really nice people. We also met some people who were not so nice.

I was sitting at our table in the main hallway of Everfree NW, just outside of the doors for the livestream room, eating dinner with my girlfriend. I got up to use the bathroom, and saw some people peeking into the panel room to see what was going on. They were wearing pony shirts and buttons and were all decked out, while I was just wearing my Vendor badge, with a Nightmare Moon pin on the lanyard. Maybe I wasn’t obvious enough of a pony fan, I don’t know, but I leaned in, smiled big and said quite sarcastically, “Oh, you don’t want to go in there. Those guys’re strange. They like a kid’s show about talking horses.” You know, to break the ice, and have some friendly fun poking fun at ourselves for being at a pony con. I’ve done this before, and it has never upset ANYONE in my last 10 years of going to comic book, pop culture, sci-fi, and anime conventions. The woman smiled back at me and said, “Ooohh yes, very strange!”

We chuckled a little bit, and she walked away. I was about to turn to continue on my way to the bathroom, when some other man came up on my right side, grabbed my trapezius muscle, and pressed his thumb to my jugular, and applied light pressure. Basically, the Vulcan Nerve Pinch. I am blind in my right eye, so this already took me by surprise and set me on edge. I was lead to believe by his actions that this kid knew what he was doing because he found my jugular quite easily, and applied enough pressure to imply the threat of further violence.

For added context to what I am about to describe to you, I am a trained and state licensed security officer who is currently employed at the largest tourist attraction in Oregon.

I am not that big of a guy. I’m 5’8” and I have a lean, but muscular build. He was probably around 5’10” or 5’11”. Just tall enough to look down at me, which he did. He squared himself up and said: “Did I just hear you call a Brony strange?”

I maintained my relaxed body posture, and did not respond physically to his threat, in an intent to show that I was not scared of him, and he did not threaten me. “Yeah,” I said slowly and clearly with a tone that implied “so what if I did?”

He smirked and said, “I don’t think that’s funny.”

“Okay,” I responded, again making it clear by my tone that I was not threatened by him.

“I don’t like that, I don’t think it’s funny at all.” And as he said those, words, he slid his hand up my neck, wrapped his fingers around my throat, and squeezed. This is when I took physical action.

I grabbed his wrist tightly with my right hand, pulled it off of my throat and out away from my body to the left, to throw him off balance. I pushed him away with my left hand, and stepped back with my left leg as I let go, to blade my body away from him and make myself a smaller target. I pointed with my right hand and yelled: “NO! YOU DO NOT JOKE ABOUT THAT.”

Immediately, I turned and left for the bathroom. I was amped up on adrenaline and ready to destroy this guy, but I didn’t need to, nor did I want to. All I wanted to do then was to get out of the situation and end it before it started to get worse. I didn’t go to Everfree to get in a fight. I went to hang out with friends, make friends, talk about ponies, and promote my event.

After I got back from the most stressful and shaky piss I’ve ever taken, my girlfriend asked me what happened. I explained it to her, and she said that he had told a different story to his friends as he walked away. Concerned that this would reach con-ops and put a bad mark on the relationship between our two events, I decided I would tell them about what happened before they heard something that was not true. I had, and still do not have, any reason to lie about what happened. Usually, I would much rather let bygones be bygones than start shit, but this was a serious threat to my well-being, be it a misguided joke or not.

The staff were absolutely abhorred by what had happened, but didn’t know what to do. I was bounced around to many staff members until I was finally put in touch with the head of staff. I introduced myself and my organization to him, and explained what had happened. I gave as good of a description as I could to him, and went on with my evening.

About an hour later, the kid came back to the side of the con that we were in. I went to con ops, and pointed him out. They grabbed a security guy, and they confronted him. The security guy was very unprofessional, and seemed annoyed that he had to help at all. He was also horribly misinformed and presumably undertrained, as he insisted that inorder to remove the guy from the event, we would have to call the police. All you need to do is confiscate his badge, inform registration, and inform him that if he returns he risks facing charges of criminal trespass. But that is neither here nor there.

The two of them went to confront the kid, and I went back to my table to draw with my friends. A few minutes later, the head of staff returned and informed me that the guy who choked me would like to apologize. I told him I would accept and followed him into the room where the guy was.

The young man, put out his and for me to shake, introduced himself and said he was sorry. I did not immediately shake his hand, nor did I immediately accept his apology. I told him how his actions made me feel threatened, and were not appropriate for any situation, as a joke or otherwise. The staff security guy interrupted and said “Yeah, he knows. He’s been informed.” I looked at him and continued my conversation with the kid. The security guy talked over me again.

I turned to him and said: “Thank you, I appreciate your help and everything you’ve done for me tonight, but I am talking to him, not you, and I am accepting his apology, so I would appreciate it if you would let me speak.” He shut up and looked down, scoffing to himself.

At this time, I reiterated my point to the guy who choked me once more, and offered my hand for him to shake. I introduced myself, and accepted his apology, making sure that he understood the gravity of his actions and that criminal charges could have easily been pressed.

And that’s my story of the time a Brony choked me, a fellow fan of MLP:FiM, because he overheard a stupid joke.

913 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 20/08/12(lun)23:34:55

# -- coding: utf-8 --

914 : : 23/08/12(jue)20:30:10

Jajaja, la wea jarcor. Me alegro de no ser un brony, aunque haya disfrutado de MLP.

915 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 25/08/12(sab)15:38:21

>dad in hospital
>will be bed bound rest of his life
>comes back home
>bed bound
>loses a lot of ambition in life
>Show him tf2
>he starts playing
>we play together every night for months
>bro it up constant heavy medic
>playing one night
>his favorite map
>push bomb all the way he and I didn't die once
>You did god osn ya di goo
>he is spectator rest of night, won't respond to steam chats
>assume he fell asleep again
>Wake up next morning mother in tears
>Dad died last night
>Report says he had a eerier smile on his face when the picked him up
>tf2 is still up with a message not sent, "I love you s"
>bro'est dad ever

916 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 25/08/12(sab)22:05:30


917 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 25/08/12(sab)22:17:16

dpkg -i

918 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 27/08/12(lun)14:26:06

919 : : 28/08/12(mar)27:05:44

>”There’s a crack in the glass!”


>”They’re erecting a statue at the town square”


>”Wow, there’s a lot of junk in here”


>”I’m Rusty Venture”


920 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 29/08/12(mie)18:26:17

921 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 29/08/12(mie)25:17:43

922 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/09/12(vie)19:29:21

If you are much better at Python than I am, which won’t be hard, since I don’t know Python; you will have spotted the error instantly, and will now be smirking in a smug, self-satisfied manner. (The default facial expression of any Python guru.)

923 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/09/12(vie)26:30:45

924 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 15/09/12(sab)24:13:16

A case of voluntary disfigurement is that of St. Æbbe the Younger and the nuns of Coldingham Monastery in Scotland. When the monastery was attacked by Vikings and they feared being raped, she and the nuns cut off their own noses and upper lips. In revenge, the Vikings burned down the building with the nuns inside. This is said to be the origin of the phrase "cutting off the nose to spite the face".

925 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 19/09/12(mie)16:28:13

This is kinda old news for most of the internet, but for those who don’t know, Adventure Time takes place in a post-apocalyptic setting as revealed by its creator.According to the show, 1000 years ago the “Mushroom War” took place, and it is speculated that “Mushroom” refers to the mushroom clouds made in the explosion of nuclear bombs. Since then, life has begun anew, and mutation has caused quite a variety of new creatures.In practically every episode, there is reference to our, now dead, civilization in the backgrounds. Broken buildings and cars and the like are usually partially buried in a lot of settings. In the opening of the show, dud nuclear missiles and broken pieces of tech are scattered in a wasteland and a gray and red (zombie-like) arm reaches out of a tree.The earth is shown to have a chunk of it missing (It looks like North/South America is almost gone?). In the episode “The Linch”, the group travels over a body of water following the Linch to his lair, where he appears to use toxic waste (possibly from the nuclear war) to fuel his power. His hideout is in a destroyed subway station, and upon entering Finn and Jake are attacked by possesed modern-dressed skeletons, as if the people died in a bombing waiting for their train. On the surface just outside, tanks and more dud bombs can be seen.In the episode “Susan Strong”, the Hyoomen species lives in an underground abandoned city, where humans may have tried to live after/during the war before dying off or mutating.It is mentioned several times in the series that Finn is the last human, or that humans haven’t been seen for a long time. Marceline and the Ice King are speculated to be survivors of the the Mushroom War because of their ages.

926 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 21/09/12(vie)14:47:16

hipotesis de riemann.

927 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 24/09/12(lun)20:50:16

928 : : 24/09/12(lun)20:57:44



929 : : 24/09/12(lun)22:43:01


930 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 24/09/12(lun)23:23:22


931 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 25/09/12(mar)17:01:29

Now before I stop talking about this, that's the last thing I want to discuss with you. Not only is it important that you supply a sufficient quantity of the gas at a very high rate of delivery for your own benefit, so that you do not suffer the consequences of brain damage or other kinds of byproducts of this experience, but you must make sure that you have provided safety precautions, very simple ones but very important, to those people who will eventually find you. You must not assume that someone will not find you within 2 to 3 minutes. This is not any kind of cry to the world. This is an action which result in a state. You want to be able to assure yourself as far as you possibly can that the consequences of your action will end up being the ones you intended. In other words, you don't want to hurt someone that you never intended to hurt. You don't want to injure yourself. You do want to be dead, not injured.

932 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 29/09/12(sab)27:02:31

933 : : 30/09/12(dom)11:38:38

*Si es jodido ser ciudadano y nuestras cuestionadas libertades en la sociedad actual, imagínense lo jodido que resultó ser aldeano en la Edad Media. Peor aún sería ser aldeano de la Edad Media recreada en el Age of Empires: nacen de la suma de carne y madera desde un centro urbano y uno puede programarlos para que apenas ‘nazcan’, automáticamente se dirijan a trabajar la tierra, despejar bosques, trabajar de canteros o salir a cazar ciervos, jabalíes y arrancar de los putos lobos que los pueden perseguir todo un continente.

No basta con eso. Por el hecho de tratarse de aldeanos, no tienen métodos de defensa personal muy efectivos y al llegar las tropas enemigas, son los primeros en caer y los primeros en ser convertidos por los monjes. Incluso en el AOE2 hay un botón que te permite identificar a los aldeanos que no están trabajando.


934 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 30/09/12(dom)29:20:00

Give me one good fucking reason why mutants shouldn't be feared.

The Kikes/Niggers/Faggots analogies don't work AT ALL because Kikes/Niggers/Faggots are not inherently dangerous. Cyclops was born with the ability to blow holes through mountains and bring down buildings with his eyes! He gained this ability when he was still a fucking kid! Even the blackest nigger can't do that.

Humans have every right to be worried about a new species that develops potentially and unpredictably dangerous powers at puberty, especially when they are apparently destined to replace humans as the dominant species.

There can never be such a thing as human-mutant equality because they are inherently inequal. And this inequality isn't due to some intangible different like religion, skin color or sexual orientation, it's due to a very practical difference and real danger.

This extends to all superbeings but the difference with mutates is it is (mostly) accidental, it isn't a new species coming out of the wetwork.

935 : : 01/10/12(lun)19:50:24

In high society, TCP is more welcome than UDP. At least it knows a proper handshake.

936 : : 05/10/12(vie)16:13:47


First off.

Who do you think you are, God?

No, I think not, Since I am a Greek Pagan and do not worship this God you think you are.

You have no right to tell us what we can and can not do on Tumblr.

It’s the INTERNET for Zeus’ Sake.

Just suck it up and go to Facebook if you don’t like it.

Don’t ruin our Tumblr Experience because you don’t like something we ALL DO.

937 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 06/10/12(sab)18:54:16

938 : : 06/10/12(sab)21:05:58


940 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 07/10/12(dom)13:38:49

NHK ni Youkoso!

941 : : 11/10/12(jue)12:23:28

For what is out there, Defense is the card most anarchists play when considering technology. When you have a good grasp of defensive technology, it’s time to play offense. What does this mean? It means a lot more than reading “2600” [1] and watching “Live Free or Die Hard” and masturbating about how “cool” it would be to bring down the system through hacking. Offensive technology is not only about hacking the gibson [2], it’s about skills building and practice. Do you know how to build a transmitter? Can you write code? Do you know which wire to clip, the red or white? Do you know the concepts behind EMP? What’s a diode? What is “rooting a box”? packet injection? cold boot attacks? logic gates?

If most of that you could understand, great! If not, then why not? The state is doing it’s part in learning and building all kinds of new technologies, why aren’t you? The government has teams of the best hackers on earth to protect itself, when there is a insurrection, it will be important to find their weak spots and use them. We can’t expect underground hackers to help us when the time is right. We need to learn these skills now, before the robot armies takes over. I challenge you this weekend to learn a technological skill that you always wanted to.

942 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 11/10/12(jue)19:20:06

943 : : 11/10/12(jue)19:23:55

( ゚ ヮ゚) otro vip!

944 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 11/10/12(jue)23:31:06

945 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 11/10/12(jue)24:08:02

I like how stiff they are it adds to the random moment.

946 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 13/10/12(sab)12:44:57

947 : : 13/10/12(sab)18:32:39

Prefiero a Phil Colins, aunque con estos audífonos nuevos, suena bien.

948 : : 13/10/12(sab)24:32:22

love to be troled whit this song ;D

nargarothqp1 8 hours ago 31

Me in 2007: "WTF??? where are the Family Guy clips??"


2010: "Dafuq? They still Rick Roll?"


CowboysDfan09 2 hours ago 6

949 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 14/10/12(dom)16:34:18

Reeder is a Google RSS reader, originally for iPhone, now available for the Mac. This is the public beta of Reeder for Mac. Please note that this version is not yet feature complete. What’s still missing: Feed management Search Downloads Probably more… WHAT’S NEW Version 1.1.7: …

951 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 16/10/12(mar)18:16:34

952 : VIPPER TIME今度 : 16/10/12(mar)19:00:35

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