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[CTRL+V] Postea lo que tienes en el portapapeles (168 respuestas)

1 : VIPPER poniéndole weno como siempre : 28/08/16(dom)22:18:41


119 : : 11/09/16(dom)25:06:48

Fujoshi (腐女子?, lit. "rotten girl") is a self-mockingly pejorative Japanese term for female fans of manga and novels that feature romantic relationships between men. Fujoshi enjoy imagining what it would be like if male characters from manga and anime, and occasionally real-life male performers as well, loved each other. The label encompasses fans of the boys love genre itself, as well as the related manga, anime, and video game properties that have appeared as the market for such works has developed. The term "fujoshi" is a homophonous pun on fujoshi (婦女子?), a term for respectable women, created by replacing the character 婦 (pronounced fu), meaning married woman or lady, with the character 腐 (also pronounced fu), meaning fermented or rotten. The name was coined by mass media, but was reclaimed by yaoi fans.[18] Fans self-deprecatingly refer to their way of thinking, which perceives homosexual relationships between male characters in stories that do not include homosexual themes, as being "rotten". "Fujoshi" carries a connotation of being a "fallen woman".[41] The term originates from 2channel in the early 2000s.[42] An issue of Eureka which examined fujoshi in detail in 2007 contributed to the spread of the term.[43]

121 : : 12/09/16(lun)23:30:42


123 : : 14/09/16(mie)26:42:06

My experience with the Spanish speaking internet is: they all have a weird obsession with the Simpsons and memes with that yellow emoji face wearing sunglasses, and all of them are weeaboos. Most of which are also tremendously homosexual.

124 : : 15/09/16(jue)22:11:27


125 : : 15/09/16(jue)22:28:16

  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 ¡ Tetas! ¡ Tetas!

126 : : 16/09/16(vie)06:00:25


127 : VIPPER poniéndole weno como siempre : 16/09/16(vie)14:11:31

2016年7月2日 2+1+6+7+2=18
2016年7月11日 2+1+6+7+1+1=18
2016年8月1日 2+1+6+8+1=18
2016年10月8日 2+1+6+1+8=18
2016年10月17日 2+1+6+1+1+7=18
2016年10月26日 2+1+6+1+2+6=18
2016年11月16日 2+1+6+1+1+1+6=18
2016年11月25日 2+1+6+1+1+2+5=18
2016年12月6日 2+1+6+1+2+6=18
2016年12月15日 2+1+6+1+2+1+5=18
2016年12月24日 2+1+6+1+2+2+4=18

129 : : 16/09/16(vie)16:14:24


130 : : 16/09/16(vie)22:03:49

This item is currently unavailable in your region

132 : : 17/09/16(sab)26:41:47

Talking about history.

2chan was name after 2ch.
2ch was made by me.
You came after. :)

134 : : 18/09/16(dom)27:16:38

名無しさん : 両手もしばりたい
名無しさん : 足はイスにくくりつけたい
名無しさん : そんでフェラしまくりたい

135 : : 19/09/16(lun)27:41:43

<div class='slider'></div>

136 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 20/09/16(mar)24:59:54

137 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 20/09/16(mar)25:14:55

Felipe Avello-Webeos Varios # 28

138 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 20/09/16(mar)25:15:45

★En resumen:No pienses、siente・・・

139 : : 20/09/16(mar)25:40:32


140 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 20/09/16(mar)25:40:45

They should change the title of this song because when I was seven, my sister was away for a sleepover and she would usually sing me a lullaby, so I looked up lullaby on her computer and this one came up. I watched this video and it scared the shit outta me. What's more, there was a huge spider in the corner of my room and I thought it was gonna eat me.

141 : : 20/09/16(mar)26:20:57

The machine that serves this file is down. We're working on it.

142 : : 21/09/16(mie)15:54:37

conditioned air bacteria

143 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 21/09/16(mie)26:10:59


144 : : 22/09/16(jue)10:17:39

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

145 : : 22/09/16(jue)14:07:51

td a {display:block}

146 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 22/09/16(jue)14:40:04

1424D6 32 -> B0

147 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 22/09/16(jue)14:55:54


148 : : 22/09/16(jue)17:04:20

Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?

it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.

Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.

Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!

Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin /pol/ maymays, this one is the readl deal.

151 : : 22/09/16(jue)24:07:53

a meteor could hit the planet and wipe us out. that's one way 2017 could be better

153 : : 25/09/16(dom)20:22:13

1.0 × 10100

154 : : 02/10/16(dom)06:13:33


155 : : 04/10/16(mar)20:06:27


156 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 13/10/16(jue)28:17:19

Por cierto que en los
últimos tiempos llegó a Nuestros oídos, no sin afligirnos con la más amarga pena,
la noticia de que en algunas partes de Alemania septentrional, así como en las
provincias, municipios, territorios, distritos y diócesis de Magancia, Colonia,
Tréveris, Salzburgo y Bremen, muchas personas de uno y otro sexo,
despreocupadas de su salvación y apartadas de la Fe Católica, se abandonaron a
demonios, íncubos y súcubos, y con sus encantamientos, hechizos, conjuraciones
y otros execrables embrujos y artificios, enormidades y horrendas ofensas, han
matado niños que estaban aún en el útero materno, lo cual también hicieron con
las crías de los ganados; que arruinaron los productos de la tierra, las uvas de la
vid, los frutos de los árboles; más aun, a hombres Y mujeres, animales de carga,
rebaños y animales de otras clases, viñedos, huertos, praderas, campos de
pastoreo, trigo, cebada Y todo otro cereal; estos desdichados, además, acosan y
atormentan a hombres Y mujeres, animales de carga, rebaños y animales de otras
clases, con terribles dolores Y penosas enfermedades, tanto internas como
exteriores; impiden a los hombres realizar el acto sexual y a las mujeres concebir,
por lo cual los esposos no pueden conocer a sus mujeres, ni éstas recibir a
aquéllos; por añadidura, en forma blasfema, renuncian a la Fe que les pertenece
por el sacramento del Bautismo, y a instigación del Enemigo de la Humanidad no
se resguardan de cometer y perpetrar las más espantosas abominaciones y los
más asquerosos excesos, con peligro moral para su alma, con lo cual ultrajan a la
Divina Majestad y son causa de escándalo y de peligro para muchos.

157 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 14/10/16(vie)13:32:06


158 : : 14/10/16(vie)13:33:18 Don't, leave me behind...

159 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 14/10/16(vie)14:10:03

y he hallado más amarga que la muerte a la mujer cuyo corazón es redes y lazos; y sus manos ligaduras.

160 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 14/10/16(vie)22:32:23


161 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 14/10/16(vie)23:11:44

Los Soprano - 1x03

162 : : 15/10/16(sab)19:04:47

Yeah I don't understand any of that except you are a faggot. The thing about bullshit like that is that it doesn't fucking matter what so ever. It is a bunch of self professed intellectuals stringing worthless words together to try and sound interesting and meaningful. It's nothing, dude. It doesn't matter what string of bullshit you put together based on a bunch of dead faggots when I can just smash you in the head until you are dead. That's my thing now. I get drunk and rowdy, fuck whatever whore I can grab in a bar, and beat people up on the street when I stagger home. Then I wake up hungover and work out until I feel better. If someone said the shit you just said to me face to face instead of online I would probably beat them half to death if I didn't accidentally go to far and take it all the way. I mean you can post shit like this online to try and get a rise out of people, and you can say it in real life in the hopes of shocking and offending people and really sticking it to those old people. But the fact remains people like me still exist in the dregs of society, and the reaction to people like you is the creation of people like me. Which is fine. The world needs more angry ignorant violent assholes. Every time you said people like me to jail we just stop caring about the law a little more. Sooner or later we just begin skipping bail before court and moving to another state.

163 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 15/10/16(sab)26:05:35

matan a una mujer y todo el mundo pierde la cabeza, pero matan a un hombre y nadie hace nada...

164 : : 16/10/16(dom)15:45:47


165 : : 18/10/16(mar)06:56:04


166 : : 23/10/16(dom)19:12:54


167 : : 24/10/16(lun)25:30:41

The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

168 : : 04/11/16(vie)29:34:42

30 KB

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