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Los memes continúan en el 2018 y es todo su culpa (8 respuestas)

1 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 01/01/18(lun)21:52:15 ID:gys53AjuF!

No escucharon, pero aún podemos salvar al futuro. La próxima vez que consideres copiar y pegar un meme, recuerda este mensaje, respira profundamente y detente. La humanidad depende de ello.

2 : : 01/01/18(lun)21:56:45 ID:kfWKsosmC!

por lo que entendí tu post se basa en la suposición de que los memes son algo inherentemente malo, y como consecuencia procederé a descartarlo =)

3 : : 01/01/18(lun)21:59:19 ID:0lT2atVlF

por qué me dices eso a mí a mí no me gustan esas cosas

4 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 01/01/18(lun)22:22:47 ID:OJ7uyCmZF

i know that feel

5 : : 01/01/18(lun)22:32:54 ID:PrqZJIiDC!

You 👈 may 🗓 be 🐝 onto 🐦 something 😅 here. 👏 Memes 🐸 used 🎶 to 💦 be 🐝 simple. 🔢 Relatable. Worth 💸 a 👌 chuckle. Then 😮 they 👥 evolved. New 👌 formats, new 👌 tag lines, new 👌 content that 😐 was 👏 then 😮 turned 😍 into 👉 a 👌 new 👌 meme. 🐸 Then 😮 memes 🐸 became increasingly meta and 👏 self 💯 reflective. They 👥 parodied themselves 😱 and 👏 the 👏 users 😏 who 😂 both 🌜 made 👑 them 💦 and 👏 consumed them. 💦 They 👥 built 👏 off 📴 of 💦 one 😤 another. 🔄 They 👥 grew. 🌱 They 👥 morphed into 👉 something 😅 entirely 🙌 novel. This 👈 progressed to 💦 the 👏 point 📍 where 😐 even 🌃 that 😐 wasn't 😐 enough. 💦 They 👥 had 💋 to 💦 become 😌 something 😅 more 🍗 than 👉 themselves. 😱 They 👥 became surreal. They 👥 became deep 😱 fried 🔥 and 👏 nuked. Each 👏 flavor 😵 building 💒 off 📴 of 💦 the 👏 last 😍 and 👏 transforming into 👉 a 👌 nearly 👣 intangible, unknown entity. Art progressed in 👏 a 👌 similar fashion. 🙂 Started 💢 off 📴 simple, 🔢 I'm 💘 talking 🗣 cave 🗻 drawing 📓 simple. 🔢 Then 😮 some 👨 pottery and 👏 some 👨 small 👌 abstract sculptures. Subjects everyone 👥 could 🔒 relate to 💦 and 👏 understand. 📚 Then, 😮 as 🍑 technology 💡 allowed 😖 for 🍆 the 👏 creation of 💦 cultures and 👏 societies, art 🎨 began 🔘 to 💦 reflect that 😐 change 🚼 and 👏 it 💯 evolved along 💁 with 👏 it. 💯 By 😈 the 👏 Ancient 📜 Greeks and 👏 Romans, art 🎨 had 💋 become 😌 a 👌 more 🍗 advanced 🎊 version of 💦 the 👏 Stone 💎 and 👏 Bronze Age 👵 arts. 🎭 Better 👍 drawings, paintings, and 👏 the 👏 addition of 💦 mosaics. Sculptures eventually shifted from 👉 stylistic expression to 💦 naturalistic representation. Still 👏 accessible to 💦 everyone, 👥 yet 😇 more 🍗 nuanced and 👏 complex. After the 👏 fall 🍂 of 💦 Rome art 🎨 stagnated and 👏 didn't 🚫 change 🚼 very 👌 much 🔥 for 🍆 nearly 👣 a 👌 millennium. Early 🕐 Christian 👼 art 🎨 dominated 😩 for 🍆 the 👏 most 💯 part, 💆 consisting of 💦 murals and 👏 frescos and 👏 simple 🔢 statues. All 💯 of 💦 which 👏 were 👶 based 👌 on 🔛 the 👏 Ancient 📜 styles. Romanesque and 👏 Gothic art 🎨 also 👨 built 👏 upon 👦 these 👈 precedents. This 👈 all 💯 changed 🚼 when 🍑 the 👏 Renaissance attacked. A cultural explosion changed 🚼 the 👏 art 🎨 world 🌎 forever; 🕐 arguably starting 😫 with 👏 the 👏 Italian artist, Giotto. He 👨 began 🔘 using 🏻 techniques like 💖 foreshortening and 👏 linear perspective 🛣 so 💯 that 😐 the 👏 material 💎 world 🌎 could 🔒 be 🐝 represented as 🍑 it 💯 appeared to 💦 us. 👨 A 👌 callback to 💦 the 👏 naturalistic stylings of 💦 the 👏 Greeks. Almost 💸 like 💖 a 👌 reference to 💦 the 👏 days 📆 of 💦 yore. A 👌 celebration of 💦 how 💯 art 🎨 used 🎶 to 💦 be, 🐝 but 🍑 with 👏 the 👏 explosion of 💦 new 👌 techniques and 👏 technologies, the 👏 art 🎨 grew 🌱 increasingly diverse. 👱 New 👌 and 👏 improved frescoes, meticulously crafted sculptures, architectural marvels and 👏 the 👏 inclusion of 💦 new 👌 materials 😆 in 👏 these 👈 works. 👔 Instead 🚔 of 💦 tempera, oil was 👏 introduced along 💁 with 👏 new 👌 styles of 💦 depicting light 🔅 and 👏 shadow through 😩 sfumato and 👏 chiaroscuro. These 👈 techniques and 👏 stylistic changes, 🚼 while 🕗 impressive, 👌 were 👶 simply 😡 an 👹 advancement of 💦 pre established 🔍 art. 🎨 The 👏 Renaissance paved the 👏 way 💫 for 🍆 the 👏 explosion and 👏 diversification of 💦 dozens of 💦 art 🎨 movements that 😐 followed. From prehistoric art 🎨 to 💦 the 👏 end 🔚 of 💦 the 👏 Renaissance, art 🎨 was 👏 mostly about 💦 the 👏 same 😩 subjects and 👏 used 🎶 similar techniques to 💦 accomplish the 👏 goal 💕 of 💦 producing a 👌 work 🏢 of 💦 art. 🎨 Yes, 🎓 the 👏 technical proficiency exponentially improved but 🍑 considering the 👏 centuries in 👏 between, 😉 few 👇 true 💯 advancements were 👶 made.

6 : : 01/01/18(lun)22:33:25 ID:PrqZJIiDC!

Compare this 👈 to 💦 memes. 🐸 They 👥 were 👶 so 💯 simple 🔢 at 🍆 first 👆 and 👏 really 😍 were 👶 nothing 🚫 more. 🍗 Then 😮 they 👥 got 🍸 better. 👍 More 🍗 technical. More 🍗 circumstantial. More 🍗 media 💦 to 💦 create 😮 them 💦 with. 👏 But 🍑 memes 🐸 could 🔒 last 😍 years 📅 or 💁 many 👬 months 📆 before 😂 dying 😇 off. 📴 As 🍑 time 🕐 went 👏 on, 🔛 the 👏 longevity of 💦 a 👌 meme 🐸 shortened. This 👈 is 💦 paralleled in 👏 the 👏 art 🎨 world. After the 👏 Renaissance the 👏 Baroque period 🍫 started. 💢 Then 😮 the 👏 Neo-Classicism, Romantic, 💕 Realism, and 👏 Impressionism movements not 🚫 long 🍆 after. 👀 Still 👏 utilizing the 👏 same 😩 technical process 🏭 but 🍑 the 👏 reasoning behind 👟 the 👏 movements changed. 🚼 No 🙅 longer 🕚 was 👏 it 💯 about 💦 simply 😡 depicting the 👏 world 🌎 around 🔃 us, 👨 it 💯 was 👏 about 💦 prompting the 👏 viewer to 💦 consider 👈 new 👌 thoughts and 👏 ideas. Urging them 💦 to 💦 look 👀 past 💦 the 👏 image and 👏 think 💭 deeper about 💦 meaning and 👏 context. 🔎 Pushing the 👏 boundaries of 💦 what 😦 art 🎨 could 🔒 be. 🐝 The 👏 Baroque to 💦 Impressionism era spanned roughly 300 💦 years. 📅 Compare that 😐 to 💦 the 👏 thousands 💯 of 💦 years 📅 between 😉 archaic art 🎨 and 👏 the 👏 Renaissance. It 💯 was 👏 a 👌 huge 🍆 explosion of 💦 self 💯 expression. Finally, 🙏 in 👏 the 👏 mid to 💦 late 💤 19th century 💯 starting 😫 with 👏 Post-Impressionism, Modern 🖥 art 🎨 emerged. This 👈 movement 🙌 focused on 🔛 self-consciousness, self-reference, introspection, existentialism, and 👏 even 🌃 nihilism. I'm 💘 talking 🗣 Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism, Dada, Abstract Expressionism, and 👏 Surrealism to 💦 name 📛 the 👏 most 💯 well 😦 known. These styles changed 🚼 what 😦 art 🎨 could 🔒 be. 🐝 They 👥 were 👶 no 🙅 longer 🕚 about 💦 depicting life 👤 as 🍑 is, 💦 or 💁 layering a 👌 painting with 👏 hidden motifs for 🍆 only 🕦 the 👏 privileged to 💦 understand, 📚 they 👥 were 👶 in 👏 and 👏 of 💦 themselves 😱 absurd. Abstract shapes, 🍍 aggressive 👏 lines and 👏 colors, nonsensical dreamscapes. But 🍑 it 💯 didn't 🚫 stop 🚫 there. Post-modernism. Pushing art 🎨 to 💦 the 👏 limit 📖 of 💦 its 🙅 potential. Pop 🍒 art, 🎨 Conceptual art, 🎨 Minimalism, Fluxus, Installation art, 🎨 Lowbrow art, 🎨 Performance art, 🎨 Digital art, 🎨 Earth 🌎 art. 🎨 These 👈 movements are 🔢 about 💦 skepticism, irony, rejecting grand narratives and 👏 reason 🌟 and 👏 instead 🚔 embracing the 👏 idea 💡 that 😐 knowledge 🎓 and 👏 truth 🙌 are 🔢 the 👏 result 💹 of 💦 social, 📖 historical, and 👏 political 🏛 discourse and 👏 subsequently are 🔢 a 👌 subjective, social 📖 construct. 👏 It's 🕛 irreverent and 👏 self-referential. It's 🕛 avant-garde pushed to 💦 11. But what's 😦 next? 👉 Post-postmodernism? Metamodernism? Hypermodernity? Who 😂 knows? 👃 Only 🕦 time 🕐 will 👏 tell. This is 💦 where 😐 memes 🐸 are 🔢 headed. 💩 They 👥 started 💢 off 📴 slow 🐢 but 🍑 have 👏 picked up 🔺 so 💯 much 🔥 momentum they're 👨 evolving at 🍆 an 👹 exponential pace. They 👥 used 🎶 to 💦 hang 😜 around 🔃 for 🍆 a 👌 couple 👌 years 📅 at 🍆 most. 💯 Then 😮 it 💯 turned 😍 to 💦 months. 📆 Then 😮 maybe 👏 only 🕦 one 😤 month. 😯 Suddenly it 💯 was 👏 a 👌 week 😣 tops. While 🕗 some 👨 particularly 😇 great 👍 memes 🐸 do 👌 still 👏 stick 🍆 around 🔃 much 🔥 like 💖 the 👏 masterpieces of 💦 art 🎨 in 👏 the 👏 past, 💦 new 👌 memes 🐸 are 🔢 created 💯 every 👏 day, 🌞 every 👏 few 👇 hours. 🕐 New 👌 movements of 💦 memes 🐸 are 🔢 being 😑 created 💯 all 💯 the 👏 time. 🕐 Anti-memes. Dank 👌 memes. 🐸 Abstract memes. 🐸 Wholesome memes. 🐸 Surreal memes. 🐸 Deep 😱 fried 🔥 memes. 🐸 Nuked memes. 🐸 Even 🌃 black 🐵 hole 💩 memes, 🐸 time 🕐 travel, 🛬 and 👏 dimensional memes 🐸 are 🔢 now 👋 a 👌 reality. 😱 What's 😦 going 🏃 to 💦 happen 😱 next? 👉 A 👌 return 🔙 to 💦 the 👏 classics? A 👌 new 👌 format so 💯 brilliant it 💯 steals 💍 all 💯 our 💩 hearts and 👏 then 😮 starts 🏁 a 👌 whole 💦 new 👌 movement? 🙌 I'm 💘 excited 😍 for 🍆 the 👏 future 📅 of 💦 memes. 🐸

7 : ESTILO DE VIDA DQNにVIPPERでGO : 01/01/18(lun)23:49:28 ID:ksmdZQnAF

sí son malos, nidito

8 : : 01/01/18(lun)23:56:38 ID:F3BoDifKC!

[cita requerida]
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