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Hilo de Fallout (10 respuestas)

1 : Sin Nombre@Esperando jugadores : 10/05/20(dom)14:46:25 ID:7jYKbKHha

Cómo dice el título, en este hilo hablaremos todo relacionado con la franquicia de Interplay y ~~prostituida~~ adoptada por Bethesda.

2 : Sin Nombre@Esperando jugadores : 10/05/20(dom)17:41:00 ID:/hM0Tl8A0

Hace unas semanas pirateé Fallout 4 y no pude terminarlo de lo monótono que se sentía todo. Al menos mejoraron el sistema de compañeros eso sí.

3 : Sin Nombre@Esperando jugadores : 10/05/20(dom)18:37:46 ID:mHCgftMa0

Me gusta mucho el setting pero siento que el gameplay es más limitado que la mierda y no le sacan tanto el jugo. En los Fallouts originales jugar sin AGI o PER es más frustrante que la mierda (porque sin AGI no tienes puntos de acción para atacar más de una vez por turno y sin PER fallas TODO) aunque el diálogo es increíble, y en los Fallouts FPS el gameplay se vuelve aburrido después de un rato; el New Vegas es muy bueno y lo he jugado hartas veces para rolear, el 3 no lo puedo terminar porque me aburre mucho jugar a matar mutantes y bandidos que absorben balas como esponjas. Quizás el problema es mío que busco otro tipo de juego en los Fallouts, un juego que jamás va a desarrollarse porque el 4 y el 76 muestran que la franquicia ya fue.

4 : Sin Nombre@Esperando jugadores : 29/05/20(vie)01:27:35 ID:t/O73noo0

"I knew something was wrong with the game within the first hour, just in the way it's introduced. I was asking myself all sorts of questions.

1) How are you on the list to get in the vault if the guy hasn't even handed in the paper work yet?
2) Why is the shelter about 25 meters from your home but it's the first you've heard about it?
3)Why do I hear 'War Never Changes' about 5 times in the first five minutes of the game? All you're doing is telling me you aren't aware of what it means, and are milking it for nostalgia
4)Why did you shoot my wife if you have a motherhood complex and put mothers on pedestals?
5)If they took my kid on the assumption they want pre-war DNA for experiments, why turn off all the life pods except mine, the one guy who would want revenge?
6)Why is my Robot still chilling in front of my home for 210 years? How has no one taken him or scrapped him?
7) Why is there a giant Cryo-gun locked up in the vault with me?
8) Why turn skills into perks?
9) Why make SPECIAL utterly useless?
10) Why are my only dialogue options yes/yes/sarcastic yes/no (i will say yes anyways)
11) Why have I been given late game armor, later game weaponry, and fighting a late/end game enemy within the first 30 minutes of the game?
12) Why are there only 2 towns on the map, and they're both within a 3 minute walk from each other?
13)Why can't I join the raiders? Why can't I be a bad guy? Why is it that, even when I try and behave like a dick, my character always apologizes and does good stuff instead?
14) How is it that you can add 'hundreds' of weapon mods, but 95% of them are utterly useless?
15)Why does the weapon pool feel smaller than Fallout New Vegas? or 3 for that matter?
16)Why are there Rad Scorpions on the east coast? Why are Deathclaws on the east coast? Why can't they take the opportunity to make new and interested mutated enemies for us to fight?
17)Why is it the enemies seem to be the only thing related whatsoever to Fallout in the entire game?
18) It's been 210 years. Why is literally nothing whatsoever cleaned up, re-used, or recycled into something else?
19) Why the fuck are we still using bottle caps? Who backs the bottle caps? I can get a mobile beer-factory to walk around with me, who has unlimited caps- why am I not rich?
20) What's the point in building walls and defenses if they are never, ever, ever utilized to fend off attacks unless you are physically in the area to watch it happen?
21) If Vault-Tec had perfected cryogenics, why did the cryogenic chamber housing reserve-military units in Fallout 2 fail and turn anyone resuscitated into a pile of goo? Not even a little joke to explain it?
22) Why does it feel, sound, and look as if not a single person who worked on Fallout 4 played ANY previous Fallout game, including 3 and New Vegas?
23) Why is it every place I come across feels like a disconnected theme-park that is not in relation to anything else around it, before it, or after it. It's like I am walking through a theme-park where the only theme is that nothing has a cohesive theme. At all.
24) Because skills are so easy to get, and you can be a master locksmith in under an hour, why is there never, ever, ever, ever, EVER, a good unique item or small cache of treasure behind ANY master-strength lock?
25) Why am I going into 210 year old, never-once-explored pre-war facilities, and finding pipe pistols and Jet?

This entire game is just fucking horrible and it really seems to me like Bethesda created this game to insult anyone over the age of 21. "

5 : Sin Nombre@Esperando jugadores : 29/05/20(vie)03:50:40 ID:Y+Zi+hF60

Fallout 5 que "sólo funciona" HYPE
Todd Howard LYING about Fallout 76 (9:06)
Tequila Joe

6 : : 29/05/20(vie)11:58:43 ID:4Iy9MGTra


Y thesda fue.

7 : Sin Nombre@Esperando jugadores : 26/04/21(lun)05:38:24 ID:1GTjEMGj0

Perdí tantos cientos de horas entre Fallout 2 y New Vegas. Son unos juegazos.

8 : Sin Nombre@Esperando jugadores : 27/04/21(mar)05:36:54 ID:E/WvKiUq0

Le disparé a César con mi pistola láser por no entender la dialéctica hegeliana.

9 : Sin Nombre@Esperando jugadores : 27/04/21(mar)12:23:59 ID:NBNMHVBU0

Caesar leyó a Hegel, por eso tenía un tumor.

10 : Sin Nombre@Esperando jugadores : 28/04/21(mie)20:02:56 ID:Rkq0WMS/0

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