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The Red Pill (2016) (63 respuestas)

23 : Crítico despiadado de todo lo existente : 27/05/17(sab)00:28:06 ID:y2D7KFVVa

>The division between productive and unproductive labour is stressed by some Marxist feminists including Margaret Benston and Peggy Morton.[3] These theories specify that while productive labor results in goods or services that have monetary value in the capitalist system and are thus compensated by the producers in the form of a paid wage, reproductive labor is associated with the private sphere and involves anything that people have to do for themselves that is not for the purposes of receiving a wage (i.e. cleaning, cooking, having children). These interpretations argue that while both forms of labor are necessary, people have different access to these forms of labor based on certain aspects of their identity.

These theories argue that both public and private institutions exploit the labor of women as an inexpensive method of supporting a work force. For the producers, this means higher profits. For the nuclear family, the power dynamic dictates that domestic work is exclusively to be completed by the woman of the household thus liberating the rest of the members from their own necessary reproductive labor. Marxist feminists argue that the exclusion of women from productive labor leads to male control in both private and public domains.[3][4]

The concept of reproductive labor as it relates to cleaning, cooking, child care, and the paid domestic labor force has been written about and discussed in writing and history prior to the term being codified. This includes works like Virginia Woolf's essay, "A Room of One's Own".

29 : : 27/05/17(sab)01:12:38 ID:y2D7KFVVa

Estás hablando del feminismo pop, ese sí que es liberal y estoy de acuerdo contigo. Conozco a variEs feministas marxistas que hacen una crítica desde el materialismo, como por ejemplo desde el labor reproductivo.
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