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[Educación] Permisos para ir al baño electrónicos [EEUU] [Privacidad] (5 respuestas)

1 : : 01/04/22(vie)16:13:06 ID:E3OGU0Ym0

En una muestra de ingenio y progreso tecnológico le están pasando iPads a los estudiantes para que puedan pedir permiso para ir al baño y ser vigilados cada segundo que pasan fuera de la sala de clases.

>Students who want to use the restroom or visit the library or other office now pull up an app on their iPad and bring it to the teacher, who keys in his or her access code to grant permission. A digital timer then begins to tick up, showing anyone who might see the student in the hallway how long they’ve been out of class, along with other details of the request. Every student in the school already has a school-issued iPad, so it’s just another option on those student devices.

2 : : 01/04/22(vie)16:29:45 ID:E2NmJmYz0

>The school uses a system called e-hallpass, by a company called Eduspire Solutions, founded by Nathan Hammond, a former classroom teacher of 20 years. He argues that bringing data to the process will increase fairness at schools rather than help target certain students for discipline.
Pero piensen en los datos! Son objetivos, libres de interpretaciones!

>“Our biggest obstacle to selling,” says Tvenstrup, “is when a school isn’t culturally ready to make these kinds of changes yet.
No quieres comprar nuestro sistema de vigilancia masiva de estudiantes? Eres un retrógrado o qué?

3 : : 01/04/22(vie)20:06:27 ID:JkYjE0Yj0

Parece que algo de razón tenía ese pelado franchute sobre los colegios y los hospitales.

4 : : 02/04/22(sab)05:25:30 ID:???Q

no estudies en gringolandia. Caro y malo. Extremadamente sobrevalorado.

5 : : 02/04/22(sab)14:11:22 ID:???0

Odio a Silicon Valley. Odio a Silicon Valley. Odio a Silicon Valley.
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