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Greetings from /leftypol/ (148 respuestas)

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (209.141.*.*) : 03/08/16(wed)12:21:38 ID:Eg1zxhNb0


119 : : 30/07/17(sun)20:02:01 ID:MnyTb7Ce0

Why don't you read Marx first instead of throwing around the word "Marxism"? Alex Jones incarnates I fucking swear.

120 : : 30/07/17(sun)20:21:31 ID:Cc2lGGgY0

Well, it's a cultural bias, and those are not easy to break. Imagine if you were raised in a society where media and culture conditioned you throughout all of your life to believe Marxism and the left are negative concepts. How much reading would it take for you to be able to break free from this paradigm? Clearly a lot. Probably more so than people are willing to do.
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