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Greetings from /leftypol/ (148 respuestas)

122 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 30/07/17(sun)22:41:04 ID:xxFyw5t+0

I have read Marx and Mao's Little Red Book years ago. There's a huge gulf of difference between Marxist theory and Marxist praxis. When Marxism is applied in practice, it is incredibly destructive.
>Well, it's a cultural bias, and those are not easy to break. Imagine if you were raised in a society where media and culture conditioned you throughout all of your life to believe Marxism and the left are negative concepts.
I have a negative view of the left and Marxism because of the actions of these groups. Where I live in the USA, media, academia and culture actually condition me (or at least attempted) to hate my race, to feel guilty for historical tragedies I had no personal hand in, the public schools do not teach you much of value, no life skills, nothing... everything I learned that was of import I had to learn on my own in an autodidactic manner (which is why I tend to tell people to send their children to private school or homeschool them instead).

This bullshit is coming from the left much more so than the right, although the right (especially of the civic nationalist variety) is kind of slightly adopting this crap as well. TV and media didn't "condition" me to think this way, I came to these conclusions on my own. Also, I stopped watching Alex Jones a long time ago (around 2009), if you want to see a good trashing of him, watch Ryan Dawson on YouTube with his "Jones to the woodshed" videos.

Anyway, I see no one has refuted anything I've said in >>118 >>35 found it amusing of the idea that "leftists have a war on race" when that's exactly the case in the examples I've cited in >>118 , groups and individuals who have openly declared their belligerence towards whites (a race) with parties that reside on the left of the political spectrum.
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