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Greetings from /leftypol/ (148 respuestas)

74 : : 04/08/16(thu)20:38:20 ID:nlQfnqiH0

>Too much of this is too general to refute. Spengler says that ___ is like ___ and will result in ____, but until any of those are concretely defined, this is impossible to truly engage with.
>If I understand: your problem is that our elites are unaccountable, and your solution is to give them absolute power and define it as coming from God.
>I don't think that will help.
This ghost post is pretty much right. Spengler is a great thinker but his solutions are shit lmao.
Also that thread started with everyone shitting on the first poster and then it shifted to /pol/tards making "lol shitlibs" "btfo" etc. posts.
Reminded me a lot of this picture:
48 KB

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