>>15>He had to, he's still a democrat.He was anti-establishment, most of his supporters agreed with him in bringing down (or at least reforming) the American Capitalist system.
If you put the ideas of your party, not to say that American parties are too ideological, before your own (and your supporters), then you are clearly are more of a career politician than a revolter. That's fine, if Ted Cruz (for example) supports Trump it's understandable, because he didn't promise change or Revolutionizing the system, but Sanders promised that and tried to take distance with the Establishment.
I don't remember who said it, but it's like if the leader of Occupy Wall Street endorsed HSBC or any big bank.
It's possible, it does make sense and he isn't forced to follow his supporters, but it's not ethical at all and he clearly didn't HAVE to do it.
>? The DNC chose Hillary, why would he keep going with his campaign lmfaoGee I don't know, maybe so that Hillary would add part of his agenda into hers and show everyone that he wasn't backing down from his movement?
He killed his own social movement, after the DNC primary some people where protesting and he told them to ease down. He could have at least promised something more, he could have done a lot more, he could have pushed an investigation into the Primary elections, so that MAYBE he became the DNC candidate.
However, he sat on his hands the whole time. I have no respect for the guy honestly.