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Greetings from /leftypol/ (148 respuestas)

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (209.141.*.*) : 03/08/16(wed)12:21:38 ID:Eg1zxhNb0


101 : : 05/08/16(fri)00:46:51 ID:TDC8Jvtl0

Leave it, so everyone else can learn from it.

102 : : 05/08/16(fri)00:47:30 ID:TDC8Jvtl0

we should learn from this (>>100) gringo

103 : : 05/08/16(fri)00:49:10 ID:kctgZTjK0

i-i'm a brit

104 : : 05/08/16(fri)00:51:48 ID:TDC8Jvtl0

y'all gringos to me

105 : : 05/08/16(fri)00:53:04 ID:i3LCpy8F0

You guys are so innocent, I can't stand seeing you being tricked like this. (´・ω・`)

106 : : 05/08/16(fri)01:44:50 ID:mdDkeuAO0

It was just a prank bro

107 : : 05/08/16(fri)03:21:19 ID:bC+JzucXT

108 : : 05/08/16(fri)03:34:12 ID:ObKNDyk50

Seems about right.

109 : : 05/08/16(fri)13:30:56 ID:21QADSRV0

Hide /pol/ threads.

Ignore /pol/ posts.

Do not respond to /pol/ posters.

110 : : 05/08/16(fri)13:34:34 ID:CJ3i/k2ma

Please don't argue so much, it makes me sad

111 : : 06/08/16(sat)17:22:45 ID:IvxpDOs80

What's the point of voting left if you don't get cool free stuff?

112 : : 08/08/16(mon)18:40:16 ID:HdIUzJT30

You vote left so that the country that set up your puny satellite state doesn't send it's tanks in to maintain order. Though Bulgaria was safe from that sort of thing

113 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [UA] (* : 16/08/16(tue)20:33:54 ID:GoInbNDx0

Hello guys. How are you?

114 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 16/08/16(tue)20:38:53 ID:TOFm4uu80

Hey, that's Ukrania isn't it? (I actually had to look that up). We're just doing fine. Lots of things going on here lately.

115 : : 21/08/16(sun)05:26:59 ID:/3IaJFru0


116 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [??] (* : 31/08/16(wed)08:32:49 ID:ArjP1fXyT


117 : : 21/09/16(wed)03:24:05 ID:EIQyM2Pq0

Early morning...I saw her standin' at the bus stop.
Long hair...she's not too bad.

118 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 30/07/17(sun)19:50:11 ID:xxFyw5t+0

Lol, they do. Have you never heard of ZANU–PF? Robert Mugabe? ANC? South African Communist Party that has a close relationship with the ANC? Jacob Zuma? Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)? Julius Malema? Singing Kill the Boer? South African farm attacks/plaasmoorde? You have a lot to learn, my friend. Marxism is a carcinogenic chameleon that will use anything to worm its way into the body politic. In this case it'll use race instead of traditionally just economics only.

119 : : 30/07/17(sun)20:02:01 ID:MnyTb7Ce0

Why don't you read Marx first instead of throwing around the word "Marxism"? Alex Jones incarnates I fucking swear.

120 : : 30/07/17(sun)20:21:31 ID:Cc2lGGgY0

Well, it's a cultural bias, and those are not easy to break. Imagine if you were raised in a society where media and culture conditioned you throughout all of your life to believe Marxism and the left are negative concepts. How much reading would it take for you to be able to break free from this paradigm? Clearly a lot. Probably more so than people are willing to do.

121 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 30/07/17(sun)22:26:17 ID:eWw1B9sd0

Newsflash if you're voting you can't be a lefty, you're just a dumb liberal, if someones claims to be left and supports a candidate, they're just disgusting liberal trash.

122 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 30/07/17(sun)22:41:04 ID:xxFyw5t+0

I have read Marx and Mao's Little Red Book years ago. There's a huge gulf of difference between Marxist theory and Marxist praxis. When Marxism is applied in practice, it is incredibly destructive.
>Well, it's a cultural bias, and those are not easy to break. Imagine if you were raised in a society where media and culture conditioned you throughout all of your life to believe Marxism and the left are negative concepts.
I have a negative view of the left and Marxism because of the actions of these groups. Where I live in the USA, media, academia and culture actually condition me (or at least attempted) to hate my race, to feel guilty for historical tragedies I had no personal hand in, the public schools do not teach you much of value, no life skills, nothing... everything I learned that was of import I had to learn on my own in an autodidactic manner (which is why I tend to tell people to send their children to private school or homeschool them instead).

This bullshit is coming from the left much more so than the right, although the right (especially of the civic nationalist variety) is kind of slightly adopting this crap as well. TV and media didn't "condition" me to think this way, I came to these conclusions on my own. Also, I stopped watching Alex Jones a long time ago (around 2009), if you want to see a good trashing of him, watch Ryan Dawson on YouTube with his "Jones to the woodshed" videos.

Anyway, I see no one has refuted anything I've said in >>118 >>35 found it amusing of the idea that "leftists have a war on race" when that's exactly the case in the examples I've cited in >>118 , groups and individuals who have openly declared their belligerence towards whites (a race) with parties that reside on the left of the political spectrum.

123 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 30/07/17(sun)23:15:42 ID:eWw1B9sd0

There's a huge leap from Marx to Mao, as an anarchist i don't support Marx, but i think the destructivness you're talking about, comes from Leninism, which is what has been applied.

There has been other applications of communist ideas, the most famous example is Spanish civil war in 1936, there are a couple of documentaries about it, and also a book written by George Orwell, since he fought in that war.

124 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 31/07/17(mon)02:21:53 ID:0aMxhimh0

>There's a huge leap from Marx to Mao, as an anarchist i don't support Marx, but i think the destructivness you're talking about, comes from Leninism, which is what has been applied.
True. Most of the communist states that have existed have been under Marxism–Leninism or a derivative of it.
>Spanish civil war
Which the leftists groups were aided by the USSR, I think had Franco and his forces lost, Spain would have ended up the first Marxist–Leninist(–Stalinist?) state in Western Europe, something the USSR had wanted to accomplish, since 1917, to set up as a beachhead to eventually conquer the rest of Western Europe, the UK and eventually the Nordic states. It's probably the largest reason why fascist movements had sprung up in the first place (Mussolini was previously a Marxist).

>and also a book written by George Orwell
As bad as public education is here in the USA, we did at least read Animal Farm in its entirety, it wasn't until later in life that I found out that Orwell was still a leftist, although he became a more moderate democratic socialist and disavowed Stalinism and the USSR. I wonder if he would still be a leftist today? Considering how batshit insane they are now (and pretty much the entire UK political establishment, regardless of political affiliation for that matter).

>There has been other applications of communist ideas
True, on small scales it does seem to work, but so do small–scale non–Marxist communes (we've had plenty of hippie run communes here in the USA that at least semi–worked and communes based on other ideas) I don't see much of a difference between them besides ideology.

I understand all that, but I strictly go by how it's all been applied and it's been a resounding disaster, worldwide. When you have Julius Malema, leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) saying that "We are not calling for the slaughter of white people‚ at least for now" (so you'll call for a slaughter at a later time then?), a leader of a party that admits that it is a Marxist–Leninist party (a REAL leftist party, not a Fox News declared party) see and in the linked PDF:
>The EFF subscribes to the Marxist-Leninist and Fanonian schools of thought on its analysis of the State, imperialism, class and race contradictions in every society.
How can anyone say after all this evidence that there isn't a leftist "war on race"? It's funny, around 8-10 years ago, I would have dismissed this as all right-wing conspiracy theory and dismissed the critic as some rambling idiot, but now when I actually venture out and seek for myself and observe I came to the eventually realization that the critics were largely right, albeit, they could have stated their criticisms in a more eloquent manner. Refinement is definitely needed, though, the information is not wrong.

125 : : 05/08/17(sat)21:44:17 ID:G0EXV9CFa

tankies are the devil ;∼;

126 : : 09/08/17(wed)16:34:06 ID:UfTsXEEl0

Fuck you marxists, your ONGs are filling our country with niggers.

127 : : 30/08/17(wed)14:56:55 ID:zHZJ6bQV0

Yeah dude, I'm sure it's the marxists who want more immigrants to leave their families and countries and become exploited workers.

128 : : 06/09/17(wed)10:49:37 ID:wgoO/m/Ia

>Marxist praxis
Marxism is just an economic theory, communism and all derivatives are another thing.

>I have read Marx
Don't ask me why but

129 : : 06/09/17(wed)10:50:10 ID:wgoO/m/Ia

--I doubt it.

130 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 18/09/17(mon)04:19:36 ID:x6V7otRY0

There's a difference between economic and cultural Marxism. Economic Marxism dealt with the power imbalances between the proletariat and bourgeoisie and how the latter were exploiting the former with class and wealth differences. Cultural Marxism on the other hand, deals with culture, ethnics and race. In this configuration, white European Americans = bourgeois oppressors, people of color (PoC) = oppressed proletariat. The economics and class and wealth are almost never mentioned as a factor, unless it's used as a bludgeon against this redefined bourgeoisie, thus, even a wealthy and well-off PoC can still be seen as an oppressed prole in this paradigm. Sexual minorities are also a part of this, being classed as oppressed proles fighting against bougie, bigoted "heteronormative" people.

Marxism is just an economic theory, communism and all derivatives are another thing.
You cannot separate the two. Communism and all derivatives were Marxist economic theory put into practice. Now some uni professor having intellectual masturbatory sessions with Marxist theory and nothing beyond that is a different story of course. ;)

131 : : 18/09/17(mon)04:24:29 ID:TK3wWXv20

>cultural Marxism
Stopped reading there.

133 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 18/09/17(mon)11:40:52 ID:cqmXi3RTa

Of course you did. You dismiss out of hand the idea that Marxism has become transmogrified into non-economic terms and weaponized against the majority people and culture. I've seen a few of you Chileans bitch about multiculturalism on here, we suffer under the same shit here in the USA. And it's not really about profit, because the capitalists will go out of their way and spend endless amounts money to facilitate it all. They're losing profit left and right even in the short term. Why do you think that is?

134 : : 18/09/17(mon)12:09:50 ID:TK3wWXv20

Stopped reading there.

135 : : 18/09/17(mon)12:33:55 ID:W0bARwPj0

Reading just that probably still made you dumber, but thanks for the warning, your sacrifice won't be forgotten.

136 : : 18/09/17(mon)16:21:27 ID:hN7yQdvd0

lol gringos

137 : : 18/09/17(mon)16:50:59 ID:hN7yQdvda


138 : : 18/09/17(mon)18:50:15 ID:prC88GaA0

No pesquen al gringo culiao aweonao

139 : : 18/09/17(mon)19:33:26 ID:TK3wWXv20

It worked.

140 : : 19/09/17(tue)02:17:11 ID:kAOCsU5s0

Sorry to inform you, fam, but these gaslighting techniques no longer work.

141 : : 19/09/17(tue)05:14:22 ID:fCGeLmM50

lmao gringos

142 : : 19/09/17(tue)05:36:32 ID:Gvuv+QM50


143 : : 19/09/17(tue)11:31:56 ID:Q6GCrA1Ca

lol bolshevik beaners

144 : : 19/09/17(tue)13:14:30 ID:fCGeLmM50

That's badass, thanks.

145 : : 19/09/17(tue)14:32:41 ID:6tZYN8ko0


146 : : 19/09/17(tue)16:26:02 ID:Q6GCrA1Ca

Would make for a great band name at least.

147 : : 19/09/17(tue)17:09:44 ID:Gvuv+QM50

Now I know what to name my grindcore band.

148 : : 12/10/17(thu)18:24:53 ID:9U6dhhw8a

gommies ;~;
48 KB

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