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画像ファイル名:1692923218847.mp4-(5975860 B, 540x960) サムネ表示
Name 名無し 24/08/23(木)20:26:58 No.15951 rep 08月18日頃消えます
>Japan: Police Arrest Knife-Wielding Man At Ikebukuro District In Tokyo
>A man brandishing a knife was arrested by police in Tokyo's Ikebukuro district on early morning Thursday, August 24. The man in his forties pointed a 15-cm kitchen knife at a female police officer at a police station near the East exit of Ikebukuro station. Police then rushed to apprehend and arrest him. He will be charged on suspicion of obstructing official duties and violating the firearms and swords law.
(h264 ~1061 kbps)
Name 名無し 24/08/23(木)20:31:18 No.15952 rep
1692923478460.jpg-(29238 B, 500x278) サムネ表示
Izaya fue demasiado lejos esta vez
Name 名無し 25/08/23(金)22:32:17 No.15954 rep
1693017137091.jpg-(17249 B, 321x236) サムネ表示
El guatón blandiendo el bastón es una vergüenza para sus antepasados
Name 17/10/23(火)23:02:52 No.16006 rep
Su mikiri counter al baston y paco queda de la perrisima.
