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Rest in peace Augusto Pinochet (83 respuestas)

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 12/05/17(fri)20:17:45 ID:Z6XTW3Rl0

Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte, the best president Chile ever had. He had his men give the commies who were destroying the country COOL FREE HELICOPTER RIDES. Also made Chile into a First World nation with much needed free market reforms.

There is a lesson to be learned — never go easy on communists who will do to you ten times worse what you do to them in defense of your nation and way of life (see Holodomor, Cambodian Killing Fields, ect.) RIP and Make Chile Great Again!

7 : : 12/05/17(fri)21:21:40 ID:fnJPPbzH0

viva pin8 and the liquid cocaine

8 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 12/05/17(fri)22:02:16 ID:jNLdfWdk0

>>7 Es buena la historia de Pinochet y su gente con las redes de narcotráfico en los 80's, usaban los laboratorios de la FAMAE para preparar la cocaína negra* (que ya estaban involucrados con el gas sarín) o del asesinato de un agente de la DINA porque "sabía mucho" (tráfico de armas a Croacia y caso Huber).
En fin, toda la conjunción de historias da para una buena película o serie al estilo Breaking Bad, hay buen material.

*Hay un reportaje de VICE sobre la cocaína negra

9 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [JP] (* : 12/05/17(fri)22:39:17 ID:QvAaCS790

hello i darkbluecat, how you are?

i not like politics too many but i can make well music

10 : : 13/05/17(sat)04:53:33 ID:oulzTos20

Whoa, a /pol/tard being ahistorical. Never seen that one before.
I'm gonna laugh my ass off if >>1 is an ancap.

11 : : 13/05/17(sat)05:07:36 ID:5rqVUASg0

When you kill your military officers and former supporters by throwing them out of a helicopter for not supporting the neoliberal policies your American puppet master imposed that made most of the country hate you but it's ok because edgy teenagers will call them communists ten years after your death ????????

12 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 13/05/17(sat)05:12:08 ID:GktRn8Ff0

elicopteros i ranitas xd

13 : : 13/05/17(sat)05:18:17 ID:oulzTos20

So Pinochet was a 'degenerate'?

14 : : 13/05/17(sat)09:19:03 ID:L1AZ1CDHT

i want a gf that beats me up whenever i mention the holodomor

15 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 14/05/17(sun)00:04:02 ID:AaUhohH10

The lies are finally collapsing under their own weight:

16 : : 14/05/17(sun)00:21:35 ID:6asafiy00

It's funny the video shows Trump at the end because Pinochet was a neoliberal zionist just like him.

17 : : 14/05/17(sun)00:24:38 ID:6asafiy00

>El sentido de este artículo no es otro que restablecer la verdad histórica, pues parte de las argumentaciones de Garzón emanan de una lectura unilateral del proceso histórico previo y posterior a Salvador Allende. Pero, además, podemos sugerir una tesis contraria, cual es una marcada simpatía con el judaísmo (quizás más relativamente con el Estado de Israel) por parte del Gobiemo de Pinochet.

18 : : 14/05/17(sun)00:33:27 ID:bIsV/HRNT

all those comments talking about the "jew-controlled media" when augusto pinochet sucked israel's cock. really made me think huh

19 : : 17/05/17(wed)03:39:03 ID:bB6qgKgh0

Nothing is more lion-hearted nationalist than letting foreign agencies do whatever they want with your country by taking out a president democratically elected by the country's people.

20 : : 17/05/17(wed)09:55:14 ID:cdZUS4w20

Or letting a foreign dictator kill an exile in your own territory (Orlando Letelier) and doing nothing about it.

21 : : 18/05/17(thu)14:57:32 ID:7MpTS2/w0

Louise! Louise! Louiseaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
yarghh…uh…aaahah-! AaAAAAA!!! LOUISELOUISELOUISEaaaaAAAAaaa!!!
Ae…*sniff*sniff*! *sniff*sniff*! sssssaaahsssssaaah.. smells good…. *sniff*
 *gasp*! I can haz sniffsniff pink blonde hair de Louise Francoise?! *sniff*sniff*! Aah!
No! I want fluffing! fluff! fluff! Hair hair fluff fluff! Scratch scratch fluff fluff… Kyunkyunnkyui!!
Louise-tan was so kawaii in vol.12 of the novels!! AaaAA…AAA…AhAaAAA!! FaaAAAnng!
Congrats on the 2nd season of the anime Louise-tan! AaAAAAA! So cute! Louise-tan! Kawaii!AaaAAA!
2nd volume of the comics were grea…nnNrAGGggghHH!! Nyaaaaaargh!! UGyaaaAAAAA!!!
Nnnnnnyyyyuuuurrrrgggghhhh!!! Comics…………………. AREN’T reality!!! ?…what about the novels and the anime….
LOUISE I S N’ T R E A L????? AAAAArgggghhHH!!! Uwaaaaaaannn!!
NononononoNONONONONO! EEeeeeaAAAA!!!! HGGGGrrrrruuyynnnnnNN!!! Halkeginiaaaaaa!!
You! BASTARDS! I’m quitting! I’m QUITTING REALIT…Y….huh!? She’s…looking? Louise-chan on the cover is looking at me?
Louise on the cover IS looking at me! Louise… at me! Louise-chan in the pictures in the book are looking at me!!
Louise-chan in the anime is talking to me!!! Phew… reality ain’t so bad after all!
Yessssss! Wheeeee!! YEAH!!! I have Louise!! I’ve done it Ketty, I can do it alone!!!
C..comic… Louise LOUISE-CHAAAaaaaaAAaaAAAN!!!!!!!! HyaaAAAaaaAaaaAAaA!!!!!
Ahahaah…ahahaaahhhhahaAnn! Si, Siesta!! HenriettaaaAAAAAAaAA!!! TabithaaAAAAA!!
u….uuuu..*sniff*sniff*uuuUUU!!! May my love reach Louise!! May my love reach Louise of Halkeginia!

22 : : 22/05/17(mon)21:19:19 ID:MS+3bRe+0

>Orlando Letelier
What the hell was some Allende sycophant doing in the USA of all places (and living in its capital city no less!).

23 : : 23/05/17(tue)12:20:32 ID:es75Ix8u0

schizo quality

24 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 24/05/17(wed)21:49:42 ID:+o0agqpQ0

The only really interesting idea that ever possibly came out of Allende's regime was this Pinochet could have re-purposed it towards better monitoring (rather than the centrally planned control of the economy) of markets, or used it as some kind of internal intranet for the government to better facilitate communications (I'm sure modern Chile does something like this now anyway).

25 : : 24/05/17(wed)21:54:21 ID:b0LjS6BH0

>Allende's regime
He was democratically elected.

26 : : 24/05/17(wed)22:08:26 ID:aRrMc8EaT


27 : : 24/05/17(wed)22:24:00 ID:aRrMc8EaT

you mean a dictator and an american/jewish puppet

>the commies who were destroying the country
you mean the CIA

>First World nation
you mean >40% of the country in poverty

>free market reforms
you mean privatizing everything except the copper industry, which has always been the largest and state owned too


28 : : 25/05/17(thu)16:10:59 ID:Cdm8vWj80

Which means nothing. Instead of having traditional (all-out) violent socialist revolution to gain power, he decided to go through the ballot box instead.

Allende was the dictator, don't blame the USA and CIA for his fucking up of Chile. The Chilean Chamber of Deputies wanted him out FFS It's also funny how you call Pinochet a Jewish puppet when Marxist ideology was formulated and carried out overwhelmingly by ethnic Jews (Marx, Hess) and the USSR was founded and led by many Jews (Trotsky, Lenin (partial Jewish ancestry), Kamenev, Zinoviev, Parvus, Sverdlov, Yurovsky, Litvinov, Kaganovich, Yagoda, Frenkel & Berman, Martin Gray, Slutsky, Radek, ect., ect.). Allende was getting financial and other support from the KGB. Hell, Allende himself was of partial Jewish descent from his mother (Laura Gossens Uribe) who herself was of partial Jewish descent

>you mean the CIA
I refer to you again the statement put out by the Chamber of Deputies

>you mean >40% of the country in poverty
Largely from Allende's failed policy of central economic planning

>you mean privatizing everything except the copper industry, which has always been the largest and state owned too
Some things work better fully privatized, sometimes under a hybrid public-private system and sometimes fully public. Allende wanted everything nationalized and fully public, which is retarded and completely ideological. Markets and a pragmatic approach breeds much more success.

29 : : 25/05/17(thu)16:48:34 ID:g83ZW9heT

>Which means nothing.
>Allende was the dictator
LMFAO this is like talking to a brick wall

>don't blame the USA and CIA
CIA documents be damned

30 : : 25/05/17(thu)16:55:03 ID:AS9mKb1y0

>>you mean >40% of the country in poverty
>Largely from Allende's failed policy of central economic planning
Don't blame Allende for Pinochet's fucking up of Chile. :^)

32 : : 25/05/17(thu)17:10:11 ID:/6f2ZV3l0

I like how /pol/retards claim to be redpilled but in practice always do historical revisionism when convenient, and when faced with the facts, they just ignore. Useful idiots for neoliberals is what they are.

33 : : 25/05/17(thu)21:50:04 ID:Yc4DIq0f0

わぁいAguante ArgentinaあかりAguante Argentina大好き

34 : : 28/05/17(sun)02:03:49 ID:8pWmUz/h0

>LMFAO this is like talking to a brick wall
Yeah, cause the following is all the fault of the USA & CIA (Allende wuz a gud boi, he dindu nuffin!):

• Ignored/intimidated Congress when his administration blatantly violated the Constitution
• Made attacks on the judicial branch when outcomes of cases didn't go his way
• Created media that only provided a Marxist/leftist worldview; suppressed media (often violently) that wasn't sycophantic and criticized the government; illegally arrested journalists and publishers
• Had armed paramilitary groups intimidate the populace, especially those who didn't hold socialist views
• Had armed groups take control of private farms and commercial enterprises, blatantly violating the right to own property as guaranteed in the 1925 Constitution
• Sought to completely control education
• Disregarded freedom of speech; of the press (see above) and freedom of association
• Suppressed (often violently) workers, workers' groups and trade/labor unions that were not tied to the government
• And on, and on

Sounds like the actions of a dictator, doesn't matter that he was democratically elected, dictators can be elected into power or by force, Allende was able to achieve so with the former and later on extended his power by force. Pinochet, on the other hand, was not elected, yet ruled only for 15 years, 2 months, 23 days and peacefully stepped down after the results of a referendum. If Allende was allowed to continue to rule, I seriously doubt he would have stepped down peacefully or even initiated a referendum. How long have the Castro brothers ruled Cuba? I rest my case.

>CIA documents be damned
The CIA supported the coup, that I don't doubt. It was after all, the Cold War and Allende no doubt received support from the USSR and KGB (and possibly by extension, Cuba).

>On November 5, 1970, Henry Kissinger advised President Nixon against peaceful coexistence with the Allende administration
Interesting that Nixon considered peaceful relations with Allende, I suspect that Kissinger changed his mind since of course the USSR would support a Marxist regime in mainland Latin America thus making peaceful relations a move of weak appeasement
There was going to be a coup against Allende regardless of CIA involvement or not.
Of course they did help after the coup, but whatever deaths happened under Pinochet is minuscule compared to the lives lost that various leftist and Marxist (and their derivatives) regimes around the world cost. (~148,000,000 according to Rudolf Rummel; University of Hawaii)

And all you leftists can do is bitch, call your opponents names and then become extremely violent when the last two options no longer work. You know, Caracas would be a lovely city to visit if not for its murder rate of 120 per 100k, even the worst of our cities here in the USA don't even come up to half of that figure. Another thing in "awful neoliberal run" USA is that our supermarket shelves are usually always stocked (barring a natural disaster or severe weather of course), can't say the same in Maduro land. I'm a little surprised that Internet access is not as tightly controlled there as it is in Cuba (I've yet to see a poster from CU on here), guess even Maduro allows some limited markets so you can type your bullcrap and send it out to the wider world.

35 : : 28/05/17(sun)11:49:26 ID:h+8usKn10

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36 : : 28/05/17(sun)11:51:32 ID:h+8usKn10

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37 : : 28/05/17(sun)11:58:13 ID:fKRG4Y2v0

.....................................        ___.. __jgggggggggggggjjjjquj,.,,、
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    漕醴醴醴醴醴鬱゚~                               ゙゚『醴醴醴醴蠶,
    灑醴醴醴醴鬱゚゙ .                                  `『醴醴醴醴$
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        .,゚''' -. '               .、.;,(jIj.....__,._._..,xs,iiu_,..,,I詬i;。.、....、... .(i゙(I
        ``               _._,(ii.lI}l゚(゙'ヲ増嚇jg]獅嬲叛l゚(}}IIID,;';゙;iiIi;ii゙(|
            、           ::.ミ浴?゚(. .     ``'゚タ'゚''''゚''''.!''.(lI泪||I}i.[(l}}Il゙(}
          一' .           :゙(}l}シ.、;;、....、,,__.,uu,。,,,,,ggggj_j,(I}'゚(勿l.[(','i}ソI.
                    . .   ' .(.(.(.()l瘟尸゚゙゚゙゙゙゚゙゙゙゚゚゙゚゚゚゚゚゚゚層鬱浴)).'';ミi.(,(l;ミ.  
              . .     . . ::、.、..:.(,(:、''゙゚『咐':'・!・    f負鄂、.:'.(.(>.(,(3i゙(}|I' 
              '、..  .、:.、'.:、'.'.'.、.(`' .       : : : : ー;;,(,(i','i.(.(.(.(.(lIIIIIiIIIl゚
                、...、'.:.'.、.'.、.'.、::、.      . `'゙(!!i'ill}ヌミ(i゙'''.、::.(.(iI|}}I||肝
                .゙'.:.'.:i.(.(.(.(i:.:.、'..        ````````  .:゙:;,(jI回回|g.
              ...g、'.':゙(i.(.(.(.(.(.(,(.(、...              .、.:.(jI翩翩謳醴g。
              瀘$ ;.゙'.'` :.(.(.(.(i゚(Il}i:ii;。;: . ...、.、:::;、.:.。;i,(jjjII屈讃醴醴醴醴gg__,. 
            .:.g醴蠶g...、...:゙(i.(.('゙(i> ''゚(!!!)llIi:lIIIj翁朋腸認碯醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醢ggj,.,.
.:,,jag醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴gg_ . `.' (.(.(.(IIII||瓰蘊槻醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴雛部}l゚(' .
!}}|讃嬲醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴魎g,,.    ``:゚ヌ惚謳醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴靈雛部ケ''`

38 : : 28/05/17(sun)11:58:37 ID:fKRG4Y2v0

.....................................        ___.. __jgggggggggggggjjjjquj,.,,、
                . _,gg瘟躍醴醴醴醴雛醴醴醴醴雛醴醴齟g..
           _,,,g醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴齟. .
    ...g醴醴醴醴醴醴醴閇^`                  . `` '゚゚『鷦醴醴醴醴醴髟
    漕醴醴醴醴醴鬱゚~                               ゙゚『醴醴醴醴蠶,
    灑醴醴醴醴鬱゚゙ .                                  `『醴醴醴醴$
    醴醴醴醴醴ケ..                                    .゙'..: 『醴醴醴歡
    層醴醴醴歡                                        . .(濁醴醴歡
    醴醴醴醴]['.                                        : `:゙{[醴醴¶
    層醴醴蠶[l'         .、,,..______、            _____. ';゙(}醴醴†
    濁醴醴鏖《'         'f『゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚閂昃'!!       . -忌『『『『門愬タ!i'゙(i層躑
    ..f[醴醴醴』'       _.          ...`:゚'.:     (Jl}~゚       .'.^'゚(li、.'僧歉
    . ‘體醴醴廴,。r、':'`‘「.... _,gg豐齟籬gjljl;ilド   .:゙l:','。;i,g豐醯踰gz.(.(.( i.j|]「
    . ;tqi_゚゚¶醴†`      } ii填閇゚゚゙゚゚゚゚゚『『摂'''^' .   .::、'ヌ}們゚゙゚゚門門轡埣l゙(|遁
    . ゙}}' ゙マl'. ¶$.       ` .  . !!!!!!!!!!!''''^ .. .     . il。゙(`゙゙'゚''''''?ヘ'''''`` ''、ii濬
    、 !) .:..jg_゚[Ii;. .                  _,     . `?)j、         . ._,(,(:ア
      ′、(|『゜.'゚li' .       丶、.,,__.,.,___v!゚` .      '''?テliuv- ..、...、r!i゚(.(0i
        .,゚''' -. '               .、.;,(jIj.....__,._._..,xs,iiu_,..,,I詬i;。.、....、... .(i゙(I
        ``               _._,(ii.lI}l゚(゙'ヲ増嚇jg]獅嬲叛l゚(}}IIID,;';゙;iiIi;ii゙(|
            、           ::.ミ浴?゚(. .     ``'゚タ'゚''''゚''''.!''.(lI泪||I}i.[(l}}Il゙(}
          一' .           :゙(}l}シ.、;;、....、,,__.,uu,。,,,,,ggggj_j,(I}'゚(勿l.[(','i}ソI.
                    . .   ' .(.(.(.()l瘟尸゚゙゚゙゙゙゚゙゙゙゚゚゙゚゚゚゚゚゚゚層鬱浴)).'';ミi.(,(l;ミ.  
              . .     . . ::、.、..:.(,(:、''゙゚『咐':'・!・    f負鄂、.:'.(.(>.(,(3i゙(}|I' 
              '、..  .、:.、'.:、'.'.'.、.(`' .       : : : : ー;;,(,(i','i.(.(.(.(.(lIIIIIiIIIl゚
                、...、'.:.'.、.'.、.'.、::、.      . `'゙(!!i'ill}ヌミ(i゙'''.、::.(.(iI|}}I||肝
                .゙'.:.'.:i.(.(.(.(i:.:.、'..        ````````  .:゙:;,(jI回回|g.
              ...g、'.':゙(i.(.(.(.(.(.(,(.(、...              .、.:.(jI翩翩謳醴g。
              瀘$ ;.゙'.'` :.(.(.(.(i゚(Il}i:ii;。;: . ...、.、:::;、.:.。;i,(jjjII屈讃醴醴醴醴gg__,. 
            .:.g醴蠶g...、...:゙(i.(.('゙(i> ''゚(!!!)llIi:lIIIj翁朋腸認碯醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醢ggj,.,.
.:,,jag醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴gg_ . `.' (.(.(.(IIII||瓰蘊槻醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴雛部}l゚(' .
!}}|讃嬲醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴魎g,,.    ``:゚ヌ惚謳醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴靈雛部ケ''`

39 : : 28/05/17(sun)11:59:17 ID:fKRG4Y2v0

.....................................        ___.. __jgggggggggggggjjjjquj,.,,、
                . _,gg瘟躍醴醴醴醴雛醴醴醴醴雛醴醴齟g..
           _,,,g醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴齟. .
    ...g醴醴醴醴醴醴醴閇^`                  . `` '゚゚『鷦醴醴醴醴醴髟
    漕醴醴醴醴醴鬱゚~                               ゙゚『醴醴醴醴蠶,
    灑醴醴醴醴鬱゚゙ .                                  `『醴醴醴醴$
    醴醴醴醴醴ケ..                                    .゙'..: 『醴醴醴歡
    層醴醴醴歡                                        . .(濁醴醴歡
    醴醴醴醴]['.                                        : `:゙{[醴醴¶
    層醴醴蠶[l'         .、,,..______、            _____. ';゙(}醴醴†
    濁醴醴鏖《'         'f『゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚閂昃'!!       . -忌『『『『門愬タ!i'゙(i層躑
    ..f[醴醴醴』'       _.          ...`:゚'.:     (Jl}~゚       .'.^'゚(li、.'僧歉
    . ‘體醴醴廴,。r、':'`‘「.... _,gg豐齟籬gjljl;ilド   .:゙l:','。;i,g豐醯踰gz.(.(.( i.j|]「
    . ;tqi_゚゚¶醴†`      } ii填閇゚゚゙゚゚゚゚゚『『摂'''^' .   .::、'ヌ}們゚゙゚゚門門轡埣l゙(|遁
    . ゙}}' ゙マl'. ¶$.       ` .  . !!!!!!!!!!!''''^ .. .     . il。゙(`゙゙'゚''''''?ヘ'''''`` ''、ii濬
    、 !) .:..jg_゚[Ii;. .                  _,     . `?)j、         . ._,(,(:ア
      ′、(|『゜.'゚li' .       丶、.,,__.,.,___v!゚` .      '''?テliuv- ..、...、r!i゚(.(0i
        .,゚''' -. '               .、.;,(jIj.....__,._._..,xs,iiu_,..,,I詬i;。.、....、... .(i゙(I
        ``               _._,(ii.lI}l゚(゙'ヲ増嚇jg]獅嬲叛l゚(}}IIID,;';゙;iiIi;ii゙(|
            、           ::.ミ浴?゚(. .     ``'゚タ'゚''''゚''''.!''.(lI泪||I}i.[(l}}Il゙(}
          一' .           :゙(}l}シ.、;;、....、,,__.,uu,。,,,,,ggggj_j,(I}'゚(勿l.[(','i}ソI.
                    . .   ' .(.(.(.()l瘟尸゚゙゚゙゙゙゚゙゙゙゚゚゙゚゚゚゚゚゚゚層鬱浴)).'';ミi.(,(l;ミ.  
              . .     . . ::、.、..:.(,(:、''゙゚『咐':'・!・    f負鄂、.:'.(.(>.(,(3i゙(}|I' 
              '、..  .、:.、'.:、'.'.'.、.(`' .       : : : : ー;;,(,(i','i.(.(.(.(.(lIIIIIiIIIl゚
                、...、'.:.'.、.'.、.'.、::、.      . `'゙(!!i'ill}ヌミ(i゙'''.、::.(.(iI|}}I||肝
                .゙'.:.'.:i.(.(.(.(i:.:.、'..        ````````  .:゙:;,(jI回回|g.
              ...g、'.':゙(i.(.(.(.(.(.(,(.(、...              .、.:.(jI翩翩謳醴g。
              瀘$ ;.゙'.'` :.(.(.(.(i゚(Il}i:ii;。;: . ...、.、:::;、.:.。;i,(jjjII屈讃醴醴醴醴gg__,. 
            .:.g醴蠶g...、...:゙(i.(.('゙(i> ''゚(!!!)llIi:lIIIj翁朋腸認碯醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醢ggj,.,.
.:,,jag醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴gg_ . `.' (.(.(.(IIII||瓰蘊槻醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴雛部}l゚(' .
!}}|讃嬲醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴魎g,,.    ``:゚ヌ惚謳醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴靈雛部ケ''`

40 : : 28/05/17(sun)11:59:39 ID:fKRG4Y2v0

.....................................        ___.. __jgggggggggggggjjjjquj,.,,、
                . _,gg瘟躍醴醴醴醴雛醴醴醴醴雛醴醴齟g..
           _,,,g醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴齟. .
    ...g醴醴醴醴醴醴醴閇^`                  . `` '゚゚『鷦醴醴醴醴醴髟
    漕醴醴醴醴醴鬱゚~                               ゙゚『醴醴醴醴蠶,
    灑醴醴醴醴鬱゚゙ .                                  `『醴醴醴醴$
    醴醴醴醴醴ケ..                                    .゙'..: 『醴醴醴歡
    層醴醴醴歡                                        . .(濁醴醴歡
    醴醴醴醴]['.                                        : `:゙{[醴醴¶
    層醴醴蠶[l'         .、,,..______、            _____. ';゙(}醴醴†
    濁醴醴鏖《'         'f『゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚閂昃'!!       . -忌『『『『門愬タ!i'゙(i層躑
    ..f[醴醴醴』'       _.          ...`:゚'.:     (Jl}~゚       .'.^'゚(li、.'僧歉
    . ‘體醴醴廴,。r、':'`‘「.... _,gg豐齟籬gjljl;ilド   .:゙l:','。;i,g豐醯踰gz.(.(.( i.j|]「
    . ;tqi_゚゚¶醴†`      } ii填閇゚゚゙゚゚゚゚゚『『摂'''^' .   .::、'ヌ}們゚゙゚゚門門轡埣l゙(|遁
    . ゙}}' ゙マl'. ¶$.       ` .  . !!!!!!!!!!!''''^ .. .     . il。゙(`゙゙'゚''''''?ヘ'''''`` ''、ii濬
    、 !) .:..jg_゚[Ii;. .                  _,     . `?)j、         . ._,(,(:ア
      ′、(|『゜.'゚li' .       丶、.,,__.,.,___v!゚` .      '''?テliuv- ..、...、r!i゚(.(0i
        .,゚''' -. '               .、.;,(jIj.....__,._._..,xs,iiu_,..,,I詬i;。.、....、... .(i゙(I
        ``               _._,(ii.lI}l゚(゙'ヲ増嚇jg]獅嬲叛l゚(}}IIID,;';゙;iiIi;ii゙(|
            、           ::.ミ浴?゚(. .     ``'゚タ'゚''''゚''''.!''.(lI泪||I}i.[(l}}Il゙(}
          一' .           :゙(}l}シ.、;;、....、,,__.,uu,。,,,,,ggggj_j,(I}'゚(勿l.[(','i}ソI.
                    . .   ' .(.(.(.()l瘟尸゚゙゚゙゙゙゚゙゙゙゚゚゙゚゚゚゚゚゚゚層鬱浴)).'';ミi.(,(l;ミ.  
              . .     . . ::、.、..:.(,(:、''゙゚『咐':'・!・    f負鄂、.:'.(.(>.(,(3i゙(}|I' 
              '、..  .、:.、'.:、'.'.'.、.(`' .       : : : : ー;;,(,(i','i.(.(.(.(.(lIIIIIiIIIl゚
                、...、'.:.'.、.'.、.'.、::、.      . `'゙(!!i'ill}ヌミ(i゙'''.、::.(.(iI|}}I||肝
                .゙'.:.'.:i.(.(.(.(i:.:.、'..        ````````  .:゙:;,(jI回回|g.
              ...g、'.':゙(i.(.(.(.(.(.(,(.(、...              .、.:.(jI翩翩謳醴g。
              瀘$ ;.゙'.'` :.(.(.(.(i゚(Il}i:ii;。;: . ...、.、:::;、.:.。;i,(jjjII屈讃醴醴醴醴gg__,. 
            .:.g醴蠶g...、...:゙(i.(.('゙(i> ''゚(!!!)llIi:lIIIj翁朋腸認碯醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醢ggj,.,.
.:,,jag醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴gg_ . `.' (.(.(.(IIII||瓰蘊槻醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴雛部}l゚(' .
!}}|讃嬲醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴魎g,,.    ``:゚ヌ惚謳醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴靈雛部ケ''`

41 : : 28/05/17(sun)12:00:05 ID:fKRG4Y2v0

.....................................        ___.. __jgggggggggggggjjjjquj,.,,、
                . _,gg瘟躍醴醴醴醴雛醴醴醴醴雛醴醴齟g..
           _,,,g醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴齟. .
    ...g醴醴醴醴醴醴醴閇^`                  . `` '゚゚『鷦醴醴醴醴醴髟
    漕醴醴醴醴醴鬱゚~                               ゙゚『醴醴醴醴蠶,
    灑醴醴醴醴鬱゚゙ .                                  `『醴醴醴醴$
    醴醴醴醴醴ケ..                                    .゙'..: 『醴醴醴歡
    層醴醴醴歡                                        . .(濁醴醴歡
    醴醴醴醴]['.                                        : `:゙{[醴醴¶
    層醴醴蠶[l'         .、,,..______、            _____. ';゙(}醴醴†
    濁醴醴鏖《'         'f『゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚閂昃'!!       . -忌『『『『門愬タ!i'゙(i層躑
    ..f[醴醴醴』'       _.          ...`:゚'.:     (Jl}~゚       .'.^'゚(li、.'僧歉
    . ‘體醴醴廴,。r、':'`‘「.... _,gg豐齟籬gjljl;ilド   .:゙l:','。;i,g豐醯踰gz.(.(.( i.j|]「
    . ;tqi_゚゚¶醴†`      } ii填閇゚゚゙゚゚゚゚゚『『摂'''^' .   .::、'ヌ}們゚゙゚゚門門轡埣l゙(|遁
    . ゙}}' ゙マl'. ¶$.       ` .  . !!!!!!!!!!!''''^ .. .     . il。゙(`゙゙'゚''''''?ヘ'''''`` ''、ii濬
    、 !) .:..jg_゚[Ii;. .                  _,     . `?)j、         . ._,(,(:ア
      ′、(|『゜.'゚li' .       丶、.,,__.,.,___v!゚` .      '''?テliuv- ..、...、r!i゚(.(0i
        .,゚''' -. '               .、.;,(jIj.....__,._._..,xs,iiu_,..,,I詬i;。.、....、... .(i゙(I
        ``               _._,(ii.lI}l゚(゙'ヲ増嚇jg]獅嬲叛l゚(}}IIID,;';゙;iiIi;ii゙(|
            、           ::.ミ浴?゚(. .     ``'゚タ'゚''''゚''''.!''.(lI泪||I}i.[(l}}Il゙(}
          一' .           :゙(}l}シ.、;;、....、,,__.,uu,。,,,,,ggggj_j,(I}'゚(勿l.[(','i}ソI.
                    . .   ' .(.(.(.()l瘟尸゚゙゚゙゙゙゚゙゙゙゚゚゙゚゚゚゚゚゚゚層鬱浴)).'';ミi.(,(l;ミ.  
              . .     . . ::、.、..:.(,(:、''゙゚『咐':'・!・    f負鄂、.:'.(.(>.(,(3i゙(}|I' 
              '、..  .、:.、'.:、'.'.'.、.(`' .       : : : : ー;;,(,(i','i.(.(.(.(.(lIIIIIiIIIl゚
                、...、'.:.'.、.'.、.'.、::、.      . `'゙(!!i'ill}ヌミ(i゙'''.、::.(.(iI|}}I||肝
                .゙'.:.'.:i.(.(.(.(i:.:.、'..        ````````  .:゙:;,(jI回回|g.
              ...g、'.':゙(i.(.(.(.(.(.(,(.(、...              .、.:.(jI翩翩謳醴g。
              瀘$ ;.゙'.'` :.(.(.(.(i゚(Il}i:ii;。;: . ...、.、:::;、.:.。;i,(jjjII屈讃醴醴醴醴gg__,. 
            .:.g醴蠶g...、...:゙(i.(.('゙(i> ''゚(!!!)llIi:lIIIj翁朋腸認碯醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醢ggj,.,.
.:,,jag醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴gg_ . `.' (.(.(.(IIII||瓰蘊槻醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴雛部}l゚(' .
!}}|讃嬲醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴魎g,,.    ``:゚ヌ惚謳醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴靈雛部ケ''`

42 : : 28/05/17(sun)12:00:25 ID:fKRG4Y2v0

.....................................        ___.. __jgggggggggggggjjjjquj,.,,、
                . _,gg瘟躍醴醴醴醴雛醴醴醴醴雛醴醴齟g..
           _,,,g醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴齟. .
    ...g醴醴醴醴醴醴醴閇^`                  . `` '゚゚『鷦醴醴醴醴醴髟
    漕醴醴醴醴醴鬱゚~                               ゙゚『醴醴醴醴蠶,
    灑醴醴醴醴鬱゚゙ .                                  `『醴醴醴醴$
    醴醴醴醴醴ケ..                                    .゙'..: 『醴醴醴歡
    層醴醴醴歡                                        . .(濁醴醴歡
    醴醴醴醴]['.                                        : `:゙{[醴醴¶
    層醴醴蠶[l'         .、,,..______、            _____. ';゙(}醴醴†
    濁醴醴鏖《'         'f『゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚閂昃'!!       . -忌『『『『門愬タ!i'゙(i層躑
    ..f[醴醴醴』'       _.          ...`:゚'.:     (Jl}~゚       .'.^'゚(li、.'僧歉
    . ‘體醴醴廴,。r、':'`‘「.... _,gg豐齟籬gjljl;ilド   .:゙l:','。;i,g豐醯踰gz.(.(.( i.j|]「
    . ;tqi_゚゚¶醴†`      } ii填閇゚゚゙゚゚゚゚゚『『摂'''^' .   .::、'ヌ}們゚゙゚゚門門轡埣l゙(|遁
    . ゙}}' ゙マl'. ¶$.       ` .  . !!!!!!!!!!!''''^ .. .     . il。゙(`゙゙'゚''''''?ヘ'''''`` ''、ii濬
    、 !) .:..jg_゚[Ii;. .                  _,     . `?)j、         . ._,(,(:ア
      ′、(|『゜.'゚li' .       丶、.,,__.,.,___v!゚` .      '''?テliuv- ..、...、r!i゚(.(0i
        .,゚''' -. '               .、.;,(jIj.....__,._._..,xs,iiu_,..,,I詬i;。.、....、... .(i゙(I
        ``               _._,(ii.lI}l゚(゙'ヲ増嚇jg]獅嬲叛l゚(}}IIID,;';゙;iiIi;ii゙(|
            、           ::.ミ浴?゚(. .     ``'゚タ'゚''''゚''''.!''.(lI泪||I}i.[(l}}Il゙(}
          一' .           :゙(}l}シ.、;;、....、,,__.,uu,。,,,,,ggggj_j,(I}'゚(勿l.[(','i}ソI.
                    . .   ' .(.(.(.()l瘟尸゚゙゚゙゙゙゚゙゙゙゚゚゙゚゚゚゚゚゚゚層鬱浴)).'';ミi.(,(l;ミ.  
              . .     . . ::、.、..:.(,(:、''゙゚『咐':'・!・    f負鄂、.:'.(.(>.(,(3i゙(}|I' 
              '、..  .、:.、'.:、'.'.'.、.(`' .       : : : : ー;;,(,(i','i.(.(.(.(.(lIIIIIiIIIl゚
                、...、'.:.'.、.'.、.'.、::、.      . `'゙(!!i'ill}ヌミ(i゙'''.、::.(.(iI|}}I||肝
                .゙'.:.'.:i.(.(.(.(i:.:.、'..        ````````  .:゙:;,(jI回回|g.
              ...g、'.':゙(i.(.(.(.(.(.(,(.(、...              .、.:.(jI翩翩謳醴g。
              瀘$ ;.゙'.'` :.(.(.(.(i゚(Il}i:ii;。;: . ...、.、:::;、.:.。;i,(jjjII屈讃醴醴醴醴gg__,. 
            .:.g醴蠶g...、...:゙(i.(.('゙(i> ''゚(!!!)llIi:lIIIj翁朋腸認碯醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醢ggj,.,.
.:,,jag醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴gg_ . `.' (.(.(.(IIII||瓰蘊槻醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴雛部}l゚(' .
!}}|讃嬲醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴魎g,,.    ``:゚ヌ惚謳醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴靈雛部ケ''`

43 : : 28/05/17(sun)12:00:45 ID:fKRG4Y2v0

.....................................        ___.. __jgggggggggggggjjjjquj,.,,、
                . _,gg瘟躍醴醴醴醴雛醴醴醴醴雛醴醴齟g..
           _,,,g醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴齟. .
    ...g醴醴醴醴醴醴醴閇^`                  . `` '゚゚『鷦醴醴醴醴醴髟
    漕醴醴醴醴醴鬱゚~                               ゙゚『醴醴醴醴蠶,
    灑醴醴醴醴鬱゚゙ .                                  `『醴醴醴醴$
    醴醴醴醴醴ケ..                                    .゙'..: 『醴醴醴歡
    層醴醴醴歡                                        . .(濁醴醴歡
    醴醴醴醴]['.                                        : `:゙{[醴醴¶
    層醴醴蠶[l'         .、,,..______、            _____. ';゙(}醴醴†
    濁醴醴鏖《'         'f『゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚閂昃'!!       . -忌『『『『門愬タ!i'゙(i層躑
    ..f[醴醴醴』'       _.          ...`:゚'.:     (Jl}~゚       .'.^'゚(li、.'僧歉
    . ‘體醴醴廴,。r、':'`‘「.... _,gg豐齟籬gjljl;ilド   .:゙l:','。;i,g豐醯踰gz.(.(.( i.j|]「
    . ;tqi_゚゚¶醴†`      } ii填閇゚゚゙゚゚゚゚゚『『摂'''^' .   .::、'ヌ}們゚゙゚゚門門轡埣l゙(|遁
    . ゙}}' ゙マl'. ¶$.       ` .  . !!!!!!!!!!!''''^ .. .     . il。゙(`゙゙'゚''''''?ヘ'''''`` ''、ii濬
    、 !) .:..jg_゚[Ii;. .                  _,     . `?)j、         . ._,(,(:ア
      ′、(|『゜.'゚li' .       丶、.,,__.,.,___v!゚` .      '''?テliuv- ..、...、r!i゚(.(0i
        .,゚''' -. '               .、.;,(jIj.....__,._._..,xs,iiu_,..,,I詬i;。.、....、... .(i゙(I
        ``               _._,(ii.lI}l゚(゙'ヲ増嚇jg]獅嬲叛l゚(}}IIID,;';゙;iiIi;ii゙(|
            、           ::.ミ浴?゚(. .     ``'゚タ'゚''''゚''''.!''.(lI泪||I}i.[(l}}Il゙(}
          一' .           :゙(}l}シ.、;;、....、,,__.,uu,。,,,,,ggggj_j,(I}'゚(勿l.[(','i}ソI.
                    . .   ' .(.(.(.()l瘟尸゚゙゚゙゙゙゚゙゙゙゚゚゙゚゚゚゚゚゚゚層鬱浴)).'';ミi.(,(l;ミ.  
              . .     . . ::、.、..:.(,(:、''゙゚『咐':'・!・    f負鄂、.:'.(.(>.(,(3i゙(}|I' 
              '、..  .、:.、'.:、'.'.'.、.(`' .       : : : : ー;;,(,(i','i.(.(.(.(.(lIIIIIiIIIl゚
                、...、'.:.'.、.'.、.'.、::、.      . `'゙(!!i'ill}ヌミ(i゙'''.、::.(.(iI|}}I||肝
                .゙'.:.'.:i.(.(.(.(i:.:.、'..        ````````  .:゙:;,(jI回回|g.
              ...g、'.':゙(i.(.(.(.(.(.(,(.(、...              .、.:.(jI翩翩謳醴g。
              瀘$ ;.゙'.'` :.(.(.(.(i゚(Il}i:ii;。;: . ...、.、:::;、.:.。;i,(jjjII屈讃醴醴醴醴gg__,. 
            .:.g醴蠶g...、...:゙(i.(.('゙(i> ''゚(!!!)llIi:lIIIj翁朋腸認碯醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醢ggj,.,.
.:,,jag醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴gg_ . `.' (.(.(.(IIII||瓰蘊槻醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴雛部}l゚(' .
!}}|讃嬲醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴魎g,,.    ``:゚ヌ惚謳醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴靈雛部ケ''`

44 : : 28/05/17(sun)12:01:07 ID:fKRG4Y2v0

.....................................        ___.. __jgggggggggggggjjjjquj,.,,、
                . _,gg瘟躍醴醴醴醴雛醴醴醴醴雛醴醴齟g..
           _,,,g醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴齟. .
    ...g醴醴醴醴醴醴醴閇^`                  . `` '゚゚『鷦醴醴醴醴醴髟
    漕醴醴醴醴醴鬱゚~                               ゙゚『醴醴醴醴蠶,
    灑醴醴醴醴鬱゚゙ .                                  `『醴醴醴醴$
    醴醴醴醴醴ケ..                                    .゙'..: 『醴醴醴歡
    層醴醴醴歡                                        . .(濁醴醴歡
    醴醴醴醴]['.                                        : `:゙{[醴醴¶
    層醴醴蠶[l'         .、,,..______、            _____. ';゙(}醴醴†
    濁醴醴鏖《'         'f『゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚閂昃'!!       . -忌『『『『門愬タ!i'゙(i層躑
    ..f[醴醴醴』'       _.          ...`:゚'.:     (Jl}~゚       .'.^'゚(li、.'僧歉
    . ‘體醴醴廴,。r、':'`‘「.... _,gg豐齟籬gjljl;ilド   .:゙l:','。;i,g豐醯踰gz.(.(.( i.j|]「
    . ;tqi_゚゚¶醴†`      } ii填閇゚゚゙゚゚゚゚゚『『摂'''^' .   .::、'ヌ}們゚゙゚゚門門轡埣l゙(|遁
    . ゙}}' ゙マl'. ¶$.       ` .  . !!!!!!!!!!!''''^ .. .     . il。゙(`゙゙'゚''''''?ヘ'''''`` ''、ii濬
    、 !) .:..jg_゚[Ii;. .                  _,     . `?)j、         . ._,(,(:ア
      ′、(|『゜.'゚li' .       丶、.,,__.,.,___v!゚` .      '''?テliuv- ..、...、r!i゚(.(0i
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            、           ::.ミ浴?゚(. .     ``'゚タ'゚''''゚''''.!''.(lI泪||I}i.[(l}}Il゙(}
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                    . .   ' .(.(.(.()l瘟尸゚゙゚゙゙゙゚゙゙゙゚゚゙゚゚゚゚゚゚゚層鬱浴)).'';ミi.(,(l;ミ.  
              . .     . . ::、.、..:.(,(:、''゙゚『咐':'・!・    f負鄂、.:'.(.(>.(,(3i゙(}|I' 
              '、..  .、:.、'.:、'.'.'.、.(`' .       : : : : ー;;,(,(i','i.(.(.(.(.(lIIIIIiIIIl゚
                、...、'.:.'.、.'.、.'.、::、.      . `'゙(!!i'ill}ヌミ(i゙'''.、::.(.(iI|}}I||肝
                .゙'.:.'.:i.(.(.(.(i:.:.、'..        ````````  .:゙:;,(jI回回|g.
              ...g、'.':゙(i.(.(.(.(.(.(,(.(、...              .、.:.(jI翩翩謳醴g。
              瀘$ ;.゙'.'` :.(.(.(.(i゚(Il}i:ii;。;: . ...、.、:::;、.:.。;i,(jjjII屈讃醴醴醴醴gg__,. 
            .:.g醴蠶g...、...:゙(i.(.('゙(i> ''゚(!!!)llIi:lIIIj翁朋腸認碯醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醢ggj,.,.
.:,,jag醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴gg_ . `.' (.(.(.(IIII||瓰蘊槻醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴雛部}l゚(' .
!}}|讃嬲醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴魎g,,.    ``:゚ヌ惚謳醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴醴靈雛部ケ''`

45 : : 28/05/17(sun)12:01:33 ID:fKRG4Y2v0

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46 : : 28/05/17(sun)12:19:19 ID:adKj42Ok0

I for one welcome the idea of nuking the whole world

47 : : 28/05/17(sun)15:04:29 ID:acE4TLLx0


So much ideology.

>No source for his claims
>It's bad when they are leftists, but if they are sucking our glorious American cock it's totally ok guys.

Fucking hypocrite. You also do not care about the right to self determination.

>Ends the post with blatant historical revisionism, now putting up even more deaths pulled out of his ass.
>Ignores the total death count for capitalist regimes all over the world
>inb4 but it's not the same

You neoliberals are the most vile scum on this whole planet. History only matters to you if it benefits you. Read a fucking book.

48 : : 28/05/17(sun)17:27:45 ID:mWI6CauR0

"Communism is evil and Allende was a dictator", says American praising Pinochet and justifying all the deaths he caused.

>Pinochet (...) peacefully stepped down after the results of a referendum.
Whoop-de-doo. Very nice of him to do that after a 16 year long dictatorship, killing over 40,000 people and stealing/laundering millions of dollars (see the Riggs Bank case).

"The fact the dictatorship respected the results is attributed to pressure from the big business, the international community and unease with extended Pinochet-rule within the dictatorship." - Angell, Alan; Pollack, Benny (1990). "The Chilean Elections of 1989".

Another fun fact: the percentage of Chilean population living in poverty rose from 17% in 1969 to 45% in 1985 according to UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.

49 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 03/07/17(mon)20:59:39 ID:aEz9cBnv0

Free helicopter rides paid for by tax payer money. It's a socialists wet dream. ;)

50 : : 03/07/17(mon)22:07:37 ID:lOZa3z900


53 : : 04/07/17(tue)09:26:16 ID:OZbYG0H80

Ah yes, always blame external factors (in this case the USA) instead of owning up and taking responsibility for your own failures. The modus operandi of the eternal leftist.

54 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (179.4.*.*) : 04/07/17(tue)19:19:05 ID:Q68fbOaIa

Why should USA take care of other countries issues? The left fails sometimes, but other times USA interferes and forces a government collapse. Your government aren't the good guys, just greedy pigs that want to spread a multicultural global capitalism and the main reason I'm writing in english in a chilean BBS. Váyanse a la mierda, gringos culiaos.

55 : : 04/07/17(tue)19:25:45 ID:ZC9uFIuo0

ww why would you respond to the most obvious and most over-used bait ever

56 : : 05/07/17(wed)03:54:44 ID:yJ6RpVVl0

>Your government aren't the good guys, just greedy pigs that want to spread a multicultural global capitalism and the main reason I'm writing in english in a chilean BBS.
I largely agree with you my Chilean friend. In fact, when our nation was first founded, the idea was to be an example and beacon of liberty for the rest of the world to admire and even follow, but certainly not for us to meddle into the affairs of other sovereign nations. We've obviously strayed from that premise during the past two centuries. Also, remember that multiculturalism is not just tied to one economic system, the USSR also promoted multiculturalism such being promoted is the result and work of a certain (((tribe))), who also no doubt at least partially control your country economically, politically and socially as well.

Capitalism and profit work quite well, if done honorably and without malice, we don't have that, which is why it's not really working too well and many (if not all) the alternatives are more deadly and worse. I think the best way to move forward is to work towards becoming autonomous and being self-sufficient, an autarky on an individual level, if you will. There really is no political solution.

So differing opinions are bait?

57 : : 05/07/17(wed)05:45:59 ID:mDGbMMdb0

Interesting info. Personally not a big fan of USSR, but it's an interesting debate around the construction of intercultural relations instead of multiculturalism, but for that we need to remind multicultiralism's close relation with imperialism (the Incas are an interesting example in prehispanic America).

Capitalism works, yes, but based in coercion (violent and non-violent) and structural inequality (because for exploitation to work you need miserable people that will accept working in unfair conditions for food) which is monopoly of material resources needed for life and monopoly of violence. There's no need for a good will or honorability for capitalism to work, since it's not the main objective. Its target is to maximize the profits, so it'll never inherently lead to equality since it's not a requirement.
An Indiviual solution like autarky its a conformist delusion, autonomy is an impossibility considering the distribution of natural resources, almost every resource it's monopolized. And if everyone attemps being self-sufficient, the elites would probably use their coercion to "bring stability" to the system (i.e. USA interventionism, economic blocks, repression). In the worst case scenario, they can't because of monopoly of material resources for life.
Then every possible real solution is political and colective.

58 : : 05/07/17(wed)15:24:29 ID:DC34wnIa0

>So differing opinions are bait?
You seriously believe this constitutes an actual opinion?
> Ah yes, always blame external factors (in this case the USA) instead of owning up and taking responsibility for your own failures. The modus operandi of the eternal leftist.
Now, if you really do, I apologize for being such a closed-minded individual, but I beg to differ ww. First of all because this "opinion" assumes that every person blaming the US goverment is a leftist, which is not necessarily the case. We Chileans, Argentinians and Brazilians, we all had leftist goverments for the most part of the previous decades and these goverments weren't exactly popular (Kirchner, Bachelet, Dilma, and so forth). It's stereotypical of >>53 to consider all Latino people that blame the US goverment "leftists", but then again, an ignorant gringo having stereotypical opinions of other cultures? Yeah, not really unheard of, is it? And second, because it assumes that our leaders were to blame for the failures back in the 60's. We know they weren't, you won't convince us otherwise. Not because we're closed-minded, but because we've been taking this crap since the early 70's (and when I say "crap" I mean shitty "opinions" like the one I quoted before). This is nothing new to us, we all know the role the CIA and Nixon administration had in that overthrow during the 70's -a role even confirmed by Sanders during a lecture cycle in the last elections-. Why did I call it bait though? Because a post like that is aimed towards nothing but taunting the counterpart.

59 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 07/07/17(fri)14:33:43 ID:/Pv/PQ4ba

>58 Summary: it's gay and sucks phalluses

60 : : 07/07/17(fri)14:45:31 ID:F2BD0r5G0

Who are you quoting, greengo?

61 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 30/07/17(sun)18:48:18 ID:PIk5JTX60

>Capitalism works, yes, but based in coercion (violent and non-violent) and structural inequality (because for exploitation to work you need miserable people that will accept working in unfair conditions for food) which is monopoly of material resources needed for life and monopoly of violence.
The universe, by its very nature, is violent. Of course, we would all love for things to be bunny rabbits, green meadows, rainbows and unicorns and everything to be eternally peaceful and free of pain, but that's not reality.

>There's no need for a good will or honorability for capitalism to work, since it's not the main objective. Its target is to maximize the profits, so it'll never inherently lead to equality since it's not a requirement.
No, of course not, but I think there should at least be an effort made to have people who work for profit do so honorably and with good will, yes, it doesn't require these to function, but it will have to adopt such practices if it wishes for long-term viability and stability. I don't hold a strict homo economicus view of capitalism or markets, since that tends to completely strip humanity out of economics and I'm not enough of a misanthrope to do that.

Absolutely equality is also a fantasy, nature has a hierarchy mixed with a little of cooperation, there is no "blank slate" equality, it doesn't exist, has never existed and never will exist. The same man is not even equal to himself from one day to the next. The only equality that I can see that has ever worked long-term has been equality before the law and I even question whether that works since the justice system is now a complete failure. This near 300 year pursuit of equality has caused more death and damage to this world than anything else.

>An Indiviual solution like autarky its a conformist delusion, autonomy is an impossibility considering the distribution of natural resources, almost every resource it's monopolized. And if everyone attemps being self-sufficient, the elites would probably use their coercion to "bring stability" to the system (i.e. USA interventionism, economic blocks, repression). In the worst case scenario, they can't because of monopoly of material resources for life.
I've been following Varg Vikernes for a while and he lives in the French countryside with his wife and their 6 (7?) children using permaculture to create for themselves a sustainable food source and also to replenish the land that has been destroyed by modern agriculture. For some reason the French authorities don't mess with him at all, but the only time they really did was when his wife (legally) purchased four rifles and they thought that they were gonna go pull a "terrorist" attack because of it. I doubt the elites give a shit if a family decides to go live off the grid as much as legally possible since many more millions are in their grasp and in the grand scheme of things, very few people are going to want to reduce their needs and live that kind of life.

By being self-sufficient and autarkic I very much mean on an individual level, certainly if a nation state were to successfully pull that off today, war would be declared on it tomorrow.

>First of all because this "opinion" assumes that every person blaming the US goverment is a leftist, which is not necessarily the case. We Chileans, Argentinians and Brazilians, we all had leftist goverments for the most part of the previous decades and these goverments weren't exactly popular
I am aware of that, glad to see that Latin America is waking up to the Marxist cancer, although I don't put all trust and faith in the right-wing either, sometimes they can stab you in the back as well. I tend to these days try to remain aloof of the whole left-right paradigm, though, it can be difficult to not get caught up in it all sometimes.
>It's stereotypical of >>53 to consider all Latino people that blame the US goverment "leftists", but then again, an ignorant gringo having stereotypical opinions of other cultures?
To be fair, I guess that was a residual view I still held of Latin Americans since when I was younger I held much more leftist views (often to the left of our Democratic Party).
>And second, because it assumes that our leaders were to blame for the failures back in the 60's. We know they weren't, you won't convince us otherwise. Not because we're closed-minded, but because we've been taking this crap since the early 70's (and when I say "crap" I mean shitty "opinions" like the one I quoted before). This is nothing new to us, we all know the role the CIA and Nixon administration had in that overthrow during the 70's -a role even confirmed by Sanders during a lecture cycle in the last elections
The big man to really blame for that is (((Kissinger))), sad to not see that old cocksucker dead yet. Though, the regimes that were overthrown weren't angels either. Allende was evil and I'm glad he's gone. I wouldn't trust crypto-Marxist (((Sanders))), either (even though what he said is correct) his supporters largely want people who don't support their ideas dead (see James Hodgkinson) (even if they keep their power levels low in public). Now the same people that railed against the Second Amendment, gun rights and have called for gun control for decades are now arming up to go against those who just simply disagree with them. LOL
Nice try, fam.
Whomst'd've are you quoting, messteezoe?

62 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (179.4.*.*) : 31/07/17(mon)20:44:27 ID:heQgFAya0

There is violence in the universe, but that is not the only reality, don't be reductionist. Ethernal war isn't our reality either, Hobbes was wrong. And the monopoly of violence and resources is not part of our nature, any system founded on that principles eventually collapses.

Hierarchy doesn't belong to nature, is part of the human conscience, nature only has adaptability. In nature as long as you can keep yourself alive, you are fine, hierarchy doesn't care. But we, as humans, have been long separated of nature world, and we've created hierarchic systems. But not every system is based on a violent hierarchic domination (or even non-violent). There's plenty of societies that aren't (or weren't) based on domination.

Absolute equality is a utopian horizon clearly, but is a desirable goal for society. In that sense, individual autarky like Varg's only works as an economic isolation, but doesn't work at a society scale and that's my main problem. You can be lucky enough to achieve the goal of indivual autarky, but not everyone can, and individual goals in terms of economic independence can be as delusional as winning lottery.

63 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 01/08/17(tue)00:31:43 ID:1/kbtEGT0

Rest in Fish, you wonderful baka ~~

64 : : 16/08/17(wed)18:03:55 ID:2oaV5wuq0


65 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 27/08/17(sun)16:10:35 ID:wXJkbzyL0

Looks like we're gonna have to start up the rotors here in the USA. The leftist scum are now openly throwing our culture and history into the memory hole by destroying statues and monuments.

66 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 27/08/17(sun)16:33:01 ID:AH3hUXX70

Will they too spend the next 20 years asking for forgiveness? It seems like a common theme among scatty liberals and capitalists. They kill a few people under a regime and then spend a good amount of decades whining for forgiveness. I just don't get it, if you commit crimes against humanity because of some idiotic ideology, just go ahead and admit it like a man.

67 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 27/08/17(sun)16:58:35 ID:AH3hUXX70

Another thing, maybe you should try with Videla or Banzer if you appreciate history and culture so much. Pinochet is definitely not your guy.

It's actually funny that you find so much value in Pinochet and then you say that you hate when a political sector throws culture and history into a memory hole. First of all, because when Pinochet overthrew a legitimate elected government, he also destroyed the presidential palace for no reason at all, a building that had been there prior to the independence. Our original Declaration of Independence was destroyed during that assault, among other historical items of incalculable value. During the first years of his regime, he commanded the army to burn books and newspapers in ghettos, à la Pol Pot. It makes sense to try and blind the upper classes if you want to avoid a counter-overtrhow, but he went straight against the poor and ignorant people. That's completely uncalled for. He also commissioned a caravan of murderers to go after a number of musicians and artists, i. e. our culture.

68 : : 27/08/17(sun)19:26:26 ID:ZlRQhw1e0

Bawww muh monuments!! Muh flags!!!
Fuck off whiny cunt.

69 : : 28/08/17(mon)08:38:55 ID:OsJ/2TbI0

69get lol

70 : : 01/09/17(fri)15:50:32 ID:KzCjnYGT0

There's more Pinochet supporters between gringo LARPers than Chileans at this point LOL

71 : : 12/09/17(tue)02:23:55 ID:tPi7Vopj0

>>1 was wrong from the beginning, Pinochet was never a president.

72 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 18/09/17(mon)03:55:36 ID:4oatA/5m0

Why? Leftists have killed far more throughout history. Name one communist dictator that stepped down peacefully after the results of a referendum. I'll wait.

>Videla or Banzer
Heard of Videla, but Banzer is new to me. I'll definitely look into them when I get the chance. Pinochet wins the popularity and name recognition contest, though. ;)
>Pinochet overthrew a legitimate elected government
Elected, yes, legitimate no. The USSR via the KGB were going to use Allende to turn Chile into a Soviet puppet state to establish as another beachhead in the Western Hemisphere after Cuba. The only difference is that Cuba's communist government was established via traditional revolutionary socialism and Allende was able to get democratically elected.
>he also destroyed the presidential palace for no reason at all
Allende and his goons were well-armed inside and would have presented a problem. It appears that they've done an excellent job on the restoration, because it doesn't look like it's been damaged at all by the Air Force. La Moneda Palace is a beautiful building, you Chileans should cherish it and never allow any extreme nihilist to desire to blow it up completely making what Pinochet did to it be a mere scratch in comparison. People here wish to destroy monuments and other historic things because of "muh slavery" and "muh Native Americans" not realizing that thanks to European colonization and later independence of these colonized states, both groups enjoy a much higher standard of living.
>Our original Declaration of Independence was destroyed during that assault, among other historical items of incalculable value.
Actually, the original was damaged in the 19th century and the one that was housed was a redrawn copy that was re signed. Still, it's a shame that that happened. This is probably why we have ours kept and preserved in the National Archives and Records Administration.
>During the first years of his regime, he commanded the army to burn books and newspapers in ghettos, à la Pol Pot. It makes sense to try and blind the upper classes if you want to avoid a counter-overtrhow, but he went straight against the poor and ignorant people.
Most likely they were agitators who were desiring to reestablish a regime similar to Allende's. Journalists today are often low-IQ liars and scum and if similar things were occurring in Chile, I cannot say I have much sympathy.
>He also commissioned a caravan of murderers to go after a number of musicians and artists, i. e. our culture.
Depends on what they were doing. Were they calling for Pinochet's murder and disparaging Chile at every turn? We have organizations like NPR here in the USA that feature artists and musicians (some rather good) and they pretend to be pro-American and Tweeted line-by-line our Declaration of Independence on July 4 and then in the next breath bash its history and blame all white people for society's ills today. It's bullshit and these media groups (like Vox) seem to be only useful today if they're discussing things that aren't political. I honestly believe you guys are better off that Allende didn't continue as your leader, Pinochet wasn't perfect, but he was needed at the time he was. Hopefully, another Pinochet won't be needed.

You just got yourself a ticket to a free helicopter ride! We should go over there and take down that statue of Allende. You fuck with our history and monuments, we'll fuck with yours.

Probably, being that the USA is much bigger in population and we no doubt probably have a larger conservative movement here.

That's where you're wrong, boyo. He was president when the 1980 Constitution came into effect for a term of 8 years.

73 : : 18/09/17(mon)04:19:30 ID:nuE6CdqG0

>Why? Leftists have killed far more throughout history. Name one communist dictator that stepped down peacefully after the results of a referendum. I'll wait.
Not in Chile.
>The USSR via the KGB were going to use Allende to turn Chile into a Soviet puppet state to establish as another beachhead in the Western Hemisphere after Cuba. The only difference is that Cuba's communist government was established via traditional revolutionary socialism and Allende was able to get democratically elected.
Allende had no USSR support because he was democratically elected. And even if it were, the USA had no right to install a dictatorship in Chile.
>Hopefully, another Pinochet won't be needed
Nice warning, imperialist pig. Fuck, how I hate you fucking gringos.

74 : : 18/09/17(mon)04:25:13 ID:p7sg/5gx0

Allende rejected USSR help because he was soft like that.

75 : : 18/09/17(mon)04:43:50 ID:eFCE3Wn20

Let's hope Donald Trump cuts off the Internet from all gringos like he said on Twitter a few days ago.

76 : : 18/09/17(mon)16:22:57 ID:KOvavujA0

lol gringos

77 : : 19/09/17(tue)01:55:06 ID:+djgilLX0

>Not in Chile.
Allende was only around for three years. Not long enough to cause massive death.
>Allende had no USSR support because he was democratically elected.
I find that hard to believe that the USSR wouldn't help a fellow comrade.
>And even if it were, the USA had no right to install a dictatorship in Chile.
CIA assistance or not, you were going to have a coup (or worse, full blown civil war) regardless. The reps in the Chilean Camber of Deputies wanted Allende out, what they didn't know was whether or not the military and Pinochet himself would initiate a coup to keep Allende in power or to rout him out.
>Nice warning, imperialist pig. Fuck, how I hate you fucking gringos.
Lol, I don't have any power over what the CIA decides to do. I' m just a typical working class American that is forced to pay taxes for bullshit I never can vote my way out of anyway. Right now I'm hearing that they're helping the migrants to invade Europe by giving the NGOs low key funding. I haven't seen any direct proof, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were indeed the case. Yes, many capitalists are shit, especially lobbyists that should be lined up against the wall and shot, but communists whether "democratically elected" or gain power thorough violent revolution are no better. Allende wasn't your savior. And it's disgusting that he's put on a pedestal with almost the same veneration as the founding fathers of your country.

Trump is not going to do dick ass shit. Any censorship done here in a constitutional manner is going to go strictly through private companies and people here will always find a way around that. I mean, we pretty much developed the damn thing to begin with (ARPANET). Speaking of Trump, it appears that his core supporters are beginning to no longer defend him since his strike on Syria, business as usual in Afghanistan and other things he seemed to have flip flopped on.

78 : : 19/09/17(tue)02:14:08 ID:sOI9me8k0

"lol gringos" indeed.

79 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 19/09/17(tue)02:37:23 ID:6fylNZ4H0

80 : : 19/09/17(tue)05:35:57 ID:PFGB5tQz0


81 : : 19/09/17(tue)10:15:04 ID:Q7z27Vsfa

I can imagine that the pro-Allende folks on here resemble the silly people that Vladimir Jaffe finds in his videos.

82 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 19/09/17(tue)12:21:12 ID:6fylNZ4Ha

Oh, yeah, sure, you know. Maybe. Or maybe it's people who actually was born in Chile and got to live under the legacy of Pinochet and they really know how shitty the stick is? We were born here, gringo. We incarnated the history, even though we didn't ask for it. We didn't read about it on a reactionary, edgy meme image board. We lived it.

83 : : 19/09/17(tue)13:55:20 ID:zysdNT8Y0

I think he's too stupid to realize almost all the people responding to him have got Chilean IPs and hostnames.

Maybe one day he'll find out supporting Allende is normal here. Also, you don't even need to "debate" about the CIA intervention when how they encouraged businesses to disrupt the economy or the military to intervene is documented on their own website. Also also, you don't even need to support Allende to be against Pinochet, because besides the tortures and killings everyone knows about, Pinochet also got almost half the country living below the poverty line by 1988, and if you'd lived here back then you'd know there were "bread lines" under Pinochet too.
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